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A/N: Hi ok quick note. Spencer sounds like Legolas from Lord of the Rings. That is all.


The blade twisted a third time and everything went black for a moment. I was nothing. I was no one. I saw nothing. Heard nothing. Felt nothing. Even the scent of blood did not fill my nose. Then the screams started. I saw through eyes that were not my own. Heard through ears that belonged to another. I saw my body. My front stained with blood. The dagger I'd used to kill my brother, had planned to kill Deiamia with, embedded in my chest. I realized who the eyes I was seeing through, the ears I heard through, belonged to. Spencer. I heard his scream as I looked at- me. Felt his anger, his rage. My brother stepped forward and picked up one of the two daggers that still lay discarded on the floor, blood dried onto the blade. He stepped in a pool of blood as he moved, leaving bloody footprints in his wake. In a moment the knife was hilt deep in the black haired womans throat. As she choked on her own blood James moved up towards my body, falling to his knees.
Two words rang through the air. "She's dead." The other three Fairchild siblings fell to their knees next to him, our parents not far behind.
"Wait!" A voice I hadn't heard before called out. A girl with black hair stepped out of the crowd, running for my body- my family. "Wait.." She knelt next to James. "I can try and help-"
"She's dead girl." A voice hissed.
"She can be brought back. I am the daughter of Lord Caliban. I can speak mind to mind with my father. He is friends with the other High Lords and Ladies. As he was friends with yours. He can get all of them here and maybe- maybe she can be brought back. Please let me try."
I- we, stood, walking over to them. "How." It wasn't my voice. No, it was the princes.
"I don't know but, but it was done once before. All seven High Lords or Ladies have to unite and give it willingly. That's all I know." She closed her eyes for a moment. "He's coming." In a moment, a man with blue-black hair and almost violet eyes.
"What happened?" The High Lord of Night knelt down.
"She risked her life for my court and in the end, she died for it. We are free, but not without sacrifice. My parents lives. Her brothers life. Her life. She should not have had to die for my court yet she did." Spencer spoke again, standing in front of the group.
"It has been done once before. The seven High Lords and Ladies united to give another their life. Can it be done?" The princess of Night looked up.
"Yes. If the other five will come. I'm speaking to them." The High Lord spoke as he closed his eyes. "They come." His blue-purple eyes opened as five High Fae appeared. The High Ladies of Autumn, Winter, Day and, Spring. The High Lord of Summer.
"Your need must be great, if you call all of us here." Emma, High Lady of Autumn spoke quietly. The situation was explained once again to the five of them.
"And you wish for us to bring her back?" The High Lord of Summer spoke up.
"My sister has done more in the past few months than I could ever imagine doing in a lifetime. She did things that I could never imagine doing." James looked up. "She was an extraordinary fae who had so much more to do with her life. But the chance was ripped away by her." He looked at Deiamia's body.
"And who killed her?" Lady Natalie of Winter raised an eyebrow to the body of the dark haired female.
"I did. I did because she's the reason my brother lay dead on the floor. I did because she's the reason my sister lays dead before you."
"Why not ask us to bring your brother back as well then?" Emma tilted her head.
"Because, Sam was part of her task." His voice wavered. "And if you brought him back, her task would then be incomplete."
A nod from the High Lady. "We do no know of this will work, you are aware of that?"
"It was done once before. Surely it can be done again." Sun looked up at them. "Please. I cannot lose my brother and my sister both."
A few still did not look convinced as Spencer stepped toward them. "You know me. You know who I am. My parents were your friends, your allies. I do not know what it is like to rule a court. But I do however know that friends would be there for each other." A point at Deiamia's body. "She is the reason my parents lay dead alongside Sam Fairchild. For she was a cruel woman who did things that many would not share with their closest friends unless they were here to live through the horrors as well. She should not have had to die for my court when it was not hers to defend. Yet she fought for my people. So please, I am asking you to try."
The High Lady of Spring stepped forward, opening her palm. "For all that she has done." She dropped a small speck of golden light onto my throat.
The High Lady of Winter stepped up next to her. "For all that she gave." She dropped an identical speck onto my body.
The High Lady of Day. "For the life she gave."
The High Lord of Summer. "For the sacrifices she made."
The High Lady of Autumn. "For the strength she had."
The High Lord of Night. "For the time she still had."
Spencer held his hand out in front of him as I saw through his eyes. "For all that she has done for my court." He dropped the golden speck onto my body and in a moment, I no longer saw through his eyes. I saw something almost like golden threads. I grasped at them, clung to them, willing myself to hold on. It was like a puzzle being put together. My life snapping back into my body. My sight. My hearing. My smell. I felt my heartbeat in my chest as I drew a breath, my eyes opening wide.
"If I'm alive." I looked at James. "Things either went very wrong. Or very right." I cracked a grin as he threw his arms around me, hugging me close.
"Gods Lilah. Don't ever do that again." He murmured, not even loosening his grip on me.
"Alright." I hugged him, my face buried in his chest before I let go and twisted to face the High Lords and Ladies. "Thank you. All of you." I stood, putting my hand on Sun's shoulder to stay upright. She gripped my arm as if she were checking to make sure I was real.
Lord Caliban bowed his head. "You earned that, Lilah Fairchild. And to the time you still have." She smiled as the two winnowed away.
The High Lady of Day stood in front of me. "To the life you now get to live, Lilah." She dipped her head before winnowing away.
Lord Blaze squeezed my hand. "To the sacrifices you made today. And every other day." He smiled before vanishing.
The High Lady of Autumn. "To your strength." A half smile.
The High Ladies of Spring and Winter.
"To all that you have done."
"To all that you gave." The two squeezed each others hands before winnowing.
I finally brought myself to look at Spencer. His cheeks tear stained.
"To all that you did for my court." He nodded to me and turned, walking to his people who greeted their High Lord.
The Night princess squeezed my hand. "Thank you. My spies were trapped here as well."
I shook my head. "Thank you princess. For bringing your parents here and giving me another chance in doing so."
She smiled slightly as shadows curled over her ears. "Until we meet again Lilah." She bowed her head and vanished. I twisted to look at my family and memorized all of their faces before I broke down entirely. I let my parents hold me, let them comfort me. Sun held onto me tightly, though let go when I yawned. One of the servants led me to a bedroom and said she'd bring me food and something to drink. I fell asleep before the door even closed.


I made to go outside but Emma caught my arm. Her grip was loose enough that I knew that if I pulled away she wouldn't try and stop me.
"Yes?" My voice was low, not how it usually was.
"I'm sorry." Was all she said, her voice quiet.
"For what? Nothing that's happened is your fault."
"For the fact that she hates you."
I froze. "I don't know what you mean."
"That girl. Lilah. She hates you. She wouldn't even look at you aside from when she thanked you. Considering the fact she just saved your Court you'd think that she'd look at you more."
I shrugged off her hand. "It doesn't matter if she hates me. I'm grateful that she did what she did but, honestly it doesn't matter what she thinks about me."
She nodded slightly before just winnowing away.

A few hours later

I stood on a balcony, watching the sun rise. It was dawn, the most beautiful time of day here in my court. My court. Not my family's court. I had no family. They were dead. I looked to the sky and let myself see my parents faces again. A few moments later, someone I didn't expect to see appeared next to you.
"Your parents love you." She said simply, her hands tucked in her pockets, still wearing the blood stained shirt. "They told me to tell you." She murmured quietly, looking down. I glanced over. She was looking at her palms. I don't think she looked at me for the first while we stood out there.
"Thank you."
"You have nothing to thank me for." She said quietly. Too quietly.
"You saved my court. That's something to thank you for."
She shrugged and turned. "We'll see each other soon." She held up her left arm, deep purple ink curling around her hand and wrist. "High Lord."
She sounded as though she hated me. And if she did I deserved it.
"That we will Lilah." I watched her leave. Considering that she'd been dead only hours ago she seemed almost unfazed. Almost. You could see the shadow in her eyes. The shadow of guilt that settled over her. I wanted to say something to her but I didn't dare. I'd just have to live with my mate hating me.

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