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I wouldn't look at him. Wouldn't show that I knew the prince at all. Any sign of recognition between myself and the prince could be a death sentence.

"Well well, what do we have here hmm? A girl who thought she could escape me?" The womans voice sent a chill down my spine.

"Who are you?" Calia had told me that this was her sister but not what her name was.

"Ah yes. Where are my manners? Deiamia." Her name just sounded cruel.

"The hell do you want with me?" A growl slipped into my voice, the grips on my arms tightening.

"Well, I didn't want anything to do with you but I may have an idea." Her lips curled up into a smirk. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spencer's hands tighten on the arms of the throne he was sitting in.

"I don't care what your idea is but do what you want with me and let everyone go." I tugged at the grips that only seemed to tighten.

"I'll make a deal with you girl. Complete a few tasks and I release everyone here." I let her words sink in. Even if I failed, there was a chance everyone here could go free.

"What are these tasks?" I looked up at Deiamia, my tone holding a bite to it.

"Ah well, that is for me to know, and for you to find out." Her voice was cruel, her eyes flaming.

"I complete these tasks and everyone here goes free?" I confirmed.

"Yes. That is the deal I am offering." My family. Spencer's parents. All the innocent people who are trapped here. They all go free.

"Deal." I nodded. I felt Spencer's eyes on me. It was easy to guess what he was thinking at that moment.

"Wonderful." Deiamia's tone was mocking. "Now, my pets, why don't you welcome our guest?" I made to raise my eyebrow but something hard connected with my temple, causing me to cry out. Blood dripped down the side of my head. A fist connected with my jaw, my nose. I slumped to the floor, only being held up by the grips on my arms which would soon release me. My breathing quickened slightly, blood dripped from my nose onto the pale stones in front of me. A growl slipped from my throat, the inside of my mouth tasted of blood. I had bit my cheek to try and stop myself from crying out, too hard it seems.

A low chuckle from Deiamia. "Take her to a cell." She waved her hand and I was dragged- literally- down to a cell and thrown in. I curled into a corner, gently touching my nose, jaw and temple. The bleeding had stopped but it was still sore. I pressed my fingers against where my arms had been gripped. Bruised. I tipped my head back, trying to stop myself from crying. What if this was all for nothing? What if I failed? Everyone would be stuck here forever. Forever. Ella, Sun, James, Jacob, Sam, my parents, Spencer and his parents. Trapped here, forever. I may have just made the worst decision of my life. The decision that could lead to my, and everyone I cared about's, doom.


I flinched when she was hit, saw the blood drip from her head. Anger flickered inside of me. I was angry but not just at Deiamia. I was angry at myself for not thinking to make sure Lilah escaped. I looked away, not able to watch. I wanted to call out, to plead to Deiamia to stop. But that could just make it worse for Lilah. I forced myself to look away. I couldn't, however, shut out her cries. I bit down on my lip. Hearing her cries of pain shattered me. I couldn't do anything, couldn't stop the pain. Her cries were replaced by heavy breathing and I looked back at her, masking whatever pain was visible on my face.

Deiamia let out a chuckle. "Take her to a cell." She waved her hand and Lilah was dragged off.

"You think beating her to a pulp is going to do anything?" I hid the hiss that escaped my throat.

The pale woman looked at me. "It did do something. Gave proof of what I'll do to anyone who crosses me."

I bit back a snarl. All that, just to send a message to people who wouldn't dare cross her.

Whatever magic had been holding me down vanished. "Go. Do what you want. Though leave the walls of this palace and things may end badly for a certain High Lord and Lady." She smirked, seeming to admire the thought. I merely gave a stiff nod, standing from what had been my fathers throne. I knew those red eyes were on me as I left the room. At first I thought to go to my room, just to think but, I decided to go down to the dungeon and find my parents. Lilah too if I could. The dungeon was warded against winnowing in and out.. for everyone accept the royal family if I remembered correctly. I never had any reason to go down there and who would go just for the hell of it? I wouldn't risk winnowing in so I just walked down to the dungeon. My heart pounded in my chest. I could try to get at least mine and Lilah's families out. No. That could go wrong and it would be selfish. I had been so lost in thought that I didn't realize I'd reached the dark and damp dungeon til I walked into the door. Breathing a sigh, I pushed open the door. The first and only time I'd been in here was when I was a child. I looked around and looking back at me were my people. They looked worried.. afraid. Some even reached out for me. I wanted to stop and tell each and every one of them that it would be ok but, I knew I couldn't tell them something even I didn't believe. Each step was heavier than the last as I tried to find my parents. At last I saw them, my mother curled protectively around my father. I feel in front of the door.
"Mom, dad." My voice wavered slightly, me reaching towards them.

My mother clasped my hand. "Spencer." She reached out, gently setting her hand on my cheek. Her skin was cold against mine.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't get you out." I hung my head, not allowing myself to cry. Not in front of them.

My mother moved her hand to grip my chin lightly, lifting my head to meet her gaze. "Son, it's ok. Don't think that you failed because of this." Her eyes glazed with tears. "You can leave. You can go free."

"I can't." My voice cracked. "If I leave, she'll hurt you." My fathers hand closed around my own.

"The only thing that can hurt us is if she hurts you." He tightened his grip slightly.

"I'll find a way to get you out. I promise." Determination laced into my voice. And for once, I believed myself

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