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Everything happened so fast. Glass shattering, screams echoing. A hand was pressed over my mouth and I turned, seeing who I thought was one of the servants of the castle. She had a finger pressed to her lips as she moved her hand from my mouth.
"Come with me child, quickly." She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards one of the bookshelves, opening what seemed to be a passageway. She pulled me in and the entrance closed as candles were lit.

"I have to go find my family, they were still in the ballroom-" my voice was quiet yet frantic, I knew that.

"Then they are already lost." The womans voice was calm, the exact opposite of my own.

"How do you know that-" The questioning tone in my voice was clear.

"Because I know what evil is here. I've experienced it before. If your family has encountered her, if they're not already dead they will be soon." The woman removed her hood and I finally got a good look at her. She had long, pure white hair, dark skin and sea green eyes.

"I have to get them out." I went to leave when her hand closed around my arm.

"You cannot. Would they want you to escape or die trying to save them?" There was a bite to her voice, one that made me hesitate in answering.

"I don't care what they'd want. I want to save my family. And besides, I don't even know who you are."

"My name is Calia and as I've said, I've experienced this evil before and if she finds you, you're as good as dead." I hated the fact I knew she was right. I slid my hands into my hair. Ella. Sun. James. Sam. Jacob. Erik. Harmony. I repeated the names of my family members in my head over and over again. What if they were already dead? What if any attempt I made to save them was pointless?

"I told you my name girl, what is yours?" Calia's voice, while strong, was.. soft?

"Lilah. Lilah Fairchild." Saying my last name was odd because most everyone knew who my father was, knew I was his daughter. They just didn't know my name.

"Well Lilah, I will say you've got some guts even considering going out there." I turned towards the woman, who was sharpening a dagger.

"Nah I don't. I just want to save my family seeing as they're all I've got." I shrugged, brushing a hand through my hair.

Calia shrugged and tossed me a bundle of clothes. "Might be here a while and I doubt that gown is very comfortable."

I shrugged and nodded, looking at the clothes in my arms. A white off the shoulder peasant top, black leggings and a black corset belt. Why she had these things with her I didn't know. I didn't ask either. I changed into the clothes, looking at the ballet flats I had worn as a pair of black knee high boots were tossed at me.

"They've got good traction on em. If you gotta run, you better run fast." Calia shrugged at me.

"Thank you." Was all I said as I pulled the boots on and stood, tying my hair back from my face.

"You're planning something." Calia read my face.

"I'm planning on getting my family back." I met her eyes. "If you think for a second I'll let anything happen to them, you're out of your mind. And, you said you knew the evil that had come here. How?"

"That evil," the woman sighed. "Is my sister."


I watched them take him away. My father, bloodied and bruised. I hated it. Hated the fact she knew who I was. Who she could use to hurt me.

"Come." Her voice echoed through the ballroom, empty save for herself and me. I just looked at her, looked at those blood red eyes. And didn't move. She was in front of me at the blink of an eye and her slender fingers gripped my jaw. "You will obey me young prince. It is in your best interests." Her voice was a hiss in my ear.

"And if I don't?" My own voice carried a slight hiss itself.

"If you don't-" She stopped standing straight. "Seems we have a guest. Bring them in. And you." Her eyes shot back to me. "Sit."

"I am not a dog and I will most definitely not be taking orders from you." I stayed where I was standing as magic seized around me, pinning my arms to my sides before I was pushed into what had been my fathers throne. The impact knocked the air from my lungs. My arms were pinned as well as my legs. I couldn't move. Could barely breath.

"You will listen to me Spencer." She appeared at my side in a second. "I know how to hurt you." She breathed in my ear. I shuddered and thrashed at the magic that held me down. Deiamia tutted at me. "Even you are not strong enough to escape that young prince." She sat in the throne next to the one I was in. My mothers.

"That is not yours." I breathed, biting back my anger.

"Hmm it wasn't, but it is now." As soon as she finished speaking, two bat-like creatures dragged in a thrashing figure. They wore a dark cloak, the hood covering their face. I looked at the figure. Their features remained hidden as they were shoved to their knees in front of the thrones. "Remove their hood. I want to see who thought they could escape me." Two of the creatures held onto their wrists as a third walked up behind them and ripped their hood off. I saw the blonde hair first. My heart beat quickened slightly. No please don't be her. Then I saw the grey eyes. They were filled with anger, pain.

"You." Lilah's voiced echoed throughout the room as she trashed in the bat-creatures grips.

"What about me hm?" Deiamia's voice was mocking, cruel. My entire body went tense. She should've gotten away. She should've escaped.

"You have my family." Lilah's voice was a low hiss. "Hurt them and I'll end you myself." She thrashed in her captors grips. They seemed to be having difficulty holding her as two more of the creatures came up behind her and gripped her upper arms tightly.

"What is your name girl." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. I looked at Lilah, avoiding meeting her eyes. Don't tell her. Please don't tell her.

"Why would I tell you?" Lilah was tired, I could see her movements slowing.

"Because." Deiamia snapped her fingers. "You wouldn't want an innocent to die because of you." A young child was dragged in, her lip quivering.

Lilah's grey eyes widened. "No.." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Tell me your name and no harm will come to the child." Deiamia's mouth curled into a smirk. After a minute of Lilah saying nothing, thinking I guessed, Deiamia smirked further. "Hmm no answer then?" She turned towards the soldier holding the small child. "Do it." The blade almost entered the childs body as-

"Wait!" The word echoed throughout the room. "Wait.. please.." my gaze shot to the blonde girl, who was still pinned on her knees.

"Your name then." Deiamia hissed.

"Lilah. Lilah Fairchild." At those words my soul seemed to shatter. Deiamia knew. She knew who she was and if she found out she was to me...

A/N: Chapter 6 should be coming soon!

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