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He moved his hand away the second I touched it. Something flickered in his eyes, what I didn't know. He stepped back from me. Had I done something wrong? Did I offend him in some way? I didn't get the chance to ask because he quickly left the room. I sat there for a minute, wondering if I'd done anything wrong. The door was pushed open and I thought maybe it was Spencer, though it wasn't. It was his mother, Kiera. I stood and bowed my head.

"You don't need to do that child." She gave a soft smile, brushing her hair back.

"Have I upset him?" I asked, guessing she'd know who I meant.

"No my dear, you haven't. My son just, remembered he had something to do and left to go do it." I could hear the hesitation as she spoke and knew she was lying though I didn't say anything.

"Will you apologize to him for me anyway? I still feel bad." I asked, fiddling with the skirt of my gown.
"Of course."


My mate. My mate. I knew it now. Why I was so drawn to her. She was my mate. I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell anyone. That'd put a target on her back. She'd be a target for assassins, any enemies I had. A way to get to me, to hurt me. It'd hurt her and I wasn't going to let that happen. I pressed my back against my closed door, sliding my hands into my hair. I sighed shakily, my head falling back against the door. Why? Why did she have to get stuck with me as a mate? Having me as a mate would just lead to getting hurt or assassinated or who knows what else. I wanted to tell her, I wanted for her to know I was her mate. Maybe she already knew, maybe she didn't. I wouldn't risk anything by telling her. This wasn't fair, not to her. Gods this is impossible. I wanted her. Wanted to tell her. Even if I told her and she swore not to tell, there were ears everywhere. I couldn't avoid her, I wouldn't be able to. My chest rose and fell quickly. As soon as it clicked for me, the second her hand had touched mine, I knew I had to leave. I would've blurted it out right then and there if I hadn't left. Gods I wanted her. I guessed it was normal, the want, for a fae male who just found out who his mate was. I'd have to tell someone, who I didn't know. My mother maybe. I didn't know. There were many people I knew I could trust but, did I trust them enough to tell them? I doubted it. A knock came at my door, causing me to jump slightly. I pulled the door open and there stood my mother.

"Lilah says she's sorry if she upset you." That was the first thing she said to me. I watched her read my face as realization dawned on her own. "That's why you left. She's your-"

"Don't say it." I braced my arms on my desk, running a hand through my hair.

"Spencer." My mother placed a pale hand on my shoulder. "You have to tell her, she'll find out at some point. The longer you know and she doesn't, the more upset she may be when she finds out."

I let out a quiet sigh. "I know. But the second she knows, the second anyone knows, that puts a target on her back. A way to get to me. I won't let her be used as a pawn to get to me. This gets out and any enemies I may have will target her."

"Spencer, if you think it's best to keep it from her for now, then do it. But it's on you to explain why you didn't tell her." Her hand squeezed my shoulder before letting go. "You won't be able to avoid her you know. I've invited them to stay for a bit. Before I knew about this. Of course."

I nodded my head quietly. "I know mom." She left my room and that was when all hell broke loose. Windows shattered as something, someone entered the palace. I stood and ran to the ballroom, where the majority of the guests and staff were. Every window I passed was shattered, fallen bits of stone scattered across the halls and I quickened my pace. Faster faster faster. Where were my parents? Where was Lilah? Lilah. Gods where was Lilah? Hopefully hidden in the library. I didn't have time to go look as I raced to the ballroom. I tripped over a fallen stone and slammed my palms into the ground, trying to catch myself. Glass dug into my skin and blood dripped from my hands but I didn't care, I just kept running, shoving the doors open and staring at the people around me. Lilah's family hidden in a corner, her father and oldest brother with their arms around her siblings and mother. My parents standing near them, my fathers arms locked around my mother. Lilah was no where to be seen. Good. I hoped she managed to get away.

A cold voice rang through the air. "Finally, the prince has decided to join us." The voice sent a chill down my spine as the owner of it turned. A tall woman with blood red eyes and dark hair that hung well past her waist. She wore a dark purple dress, with cutouts over her chest and stomach. Her smile was chilling as she made to step towards me. I stepped back, towards the door. She moved faster. "Hmm. Such a naughty prince, ignoring a guest?" She gripped my face with a bony hand. "Hm a handsome prince as well."

"Get your hand off of him!" My mothers voice echoed in the room. My eyes shot to my parents. My father had his arms locked around her waist, holding her back.

A dark chuckle from the dark-haired woman as she merely tightened her grip on my face. I swatted her hand away. "Get out." My words came out as a hiss and the woman raised an eyebrow. "I said get out! Leave this place!" Her hand reached for my throat and I flinched back ever so slightly.

"No." Her voice had a cruel hint of amusement in it as she moved her hand. "Lock them up. All of them. Find everyone in this palace. Now."
A flicker of fear in my gut. Everyone. Lilah. Creatures that have no reason to be in the Court of Dawn left the throne room, searching for anyone else. One creature went to grip my arm and I was completely prepared to just let it take me, but. "No. Leave this one with me." My eyes went straight to her blood red ones. "I believe introductions are in order yes?" She was like a viper. Ready to strike at the first sign of weakness.

I stiffened where I stood as behind the woman I saw my mother and father being dragged apart. My nostrils flared slightly. I wanted to call out to them but I knew better.

"Hmm the silent type then? Very well." Her eyes scanned me. "Deiamia."

I stayed silent. I had no intent of telling her my name, of telling her anything.

"Oh come now, doesn't the prince know his manners? I told you my name, it's only polite you tell me yours." Deiamia's voice was a mocking sweet in my ear as she brushed her lip over the edge of my ear. I stilled. Her breath was cold against my skin. When I didn't speak after a moment a cruel smirk crossed her face. She snapped her fingers. "Perhaps this will loosen your tongue, your highness." Her last two words were mocking as I saw movement behind her. She stepped out of my view and there I saw my father, on his knees with a blade pressed to his throat.

"No!" I made to step forward but found myself unable to move. I could speak, blink and otherwise move my head but there was no way for me to run to him, to grab my blade.

"Son. Don't." My fathers voice was commanding as one of those horrible creatures gripped his hair, tilting his head back and therefore exposing his throat to the blade.

"Oh this is your father?" Deiamia's tone was mocking, cruel. "Do it." Her eyes were on me as the creature cut my father with the blade. Deep enough to cause immense pain but not deep enough to kill him. I knew exactly what she was doing. Taunting me. Hurting who I was closest to. Trying to break me. My father's broken cries filled my ears and I couldn't do it. Couldn't let her hurt him anymore.

"Spencer! My name is Spencer. Now leave him alone!" I hated it. I hated giving in.

She raised a hand and my father was no longer being struck by the blade. He sat there on his knees, his hands bound behind his back no doubt. Panting, bleeding. His blood stained the pale stones. Suddenly I could move again and I bolted for him, fell to my knees alongside him.

He gripped my arms and shook his head. I knew what he meant. I met Deimamia's eyes before lunging at her, my blade drawn. She vanished before I got near her.

A/N:Kinda a small lil cliffhanger lol. Next chapter should be up soon! Love yall!

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