chapter 4

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 "Come on, we're gonna be late." I was standing in the doorway, impatient as ever.

"Chill dude, we'll be fine," Skylar said, shuffling around the house. We had gone back to the house for a nap before the headliners. "Has anyone seen my phone?" She called.

"No." Luna and Dakota called back in response.

I sighed in annoyance, tapping my foot. "Guys, come on"

Dakota appeared from the hallway. "What is the rush, dude?"

"I want to get barricade." I checked my phone "and we have to be leaving, like, yesterday." Skylar and Luna finally made their way to the door and pushed passed me.

"Keep your pants on." Dakota teased as we shut the door.

We got to the outdoor stage fifteen minutes before the set. I pushed through the group of people in the artist viewing section despite some grumbles from the people I pushed past. I hoped my friends were following, but I wasn't looking back to check. I reached the front and grinned proudly at myself. Dakota arrived next to me as Luna and Skylar filed in on the other side of her. I jumped up and down out of excitement, singing to the preshow music as stagehands cleaned and put finishing touches on the stage. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and smiled at the notification.

billieeilish: someone's excited for my show

I looked up to stage right, squinting to see if she was back there. It took me a minute, but I spotted it; the head of bright green hair peeking out behind the swarm of crew.

Y/NY/L/N: I just liked the performance before yours

billieeilish: mmhmm and who would that be?

"Shit" I said, laughing lightly.

"What?" Dakota looked over. I didn't answer as I typed out a response.

Y/NY/L/N: busted.

billieeilish: thought so

Y/NY/L/N: you coming on stage or what?

"Oh my god." Dakota was looking over my shoulder. I tried to move my phone out of her eyesight before giving up and putting it back in my pocket. "You're dming her before her show?" She poked me in the side. "You are so into her."

I rolled my eyes. "Am not."

Dakota was about to quip back when the lights dimmed. I turned away from Dakota , focusing on the visuals that had begun to play on the big screen. As the visuals on screen picked up pace, the bass did too. Synths were added to the noise in harsh chord tones that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Lights began to flash and the screaming intensified. I was becoming aware of the intense feeling of excitement in my stomach when Finneas, dressed in all white, holding his bass walked onto stage right. Billie's drummer, also in all white walked on stage left and took his place at the drumset. The visuals were harsh on the eyes, flames, forests, teeth, and spiders flashed across the screen. The lights were flashing, the volume was increasing and all I could do was join the screams. Billie walked on stage. The sound cut, the screen went white and she stood center stage, her hair in two space buns, two strands left out framing her face. She was in all white, white shorts, white shoes and a white hoodie, of course everything ten sizes too big. She grinned, only a moment of silence, but it felt like forever as thousands of people hung in the balance awaiting her next move. Then it was "Bad Guy" the bass thumping, the kick drum resounding and Billie jumping up and down as the crowd followed suit. She hummed the opening and kicked it off with the first verse.

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