chapter 9

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A/N in honor of the documentary trailer today here's a chapter :)

billie :) i miss you

billie :) come over

me you live an hour away

billie :) i want you to meet my friends

me oh so you don't really miss me

me just want to show me off smh

billie :) stfu

me i'll be there in an hour

I stood up from my couch and shut off the tv, sliding my phone back in my pocket. I made my way into my kitchen, grabbing one of the many monsters in my fridge, before grabbing my keys from the hook. As I made my way down the steps of my apartment my phone buzzed.

billie :) you can't resist me

I rolled my eyes before sliding into my car. I didn't have a nice car, something Billie loved to point out. I could afford one, but unlike Billie, I prefer to spend my money on other things. I put the key in the ignition, pulling up my Spotify. I was decidedly in the mood for Frank Ocean and his voice rang out as I pulled out my driveway. I shook my head as I merged on the freeway and sighed, "This girl better give me gas money."

An hour later, nearly on the dot, I pulled up to Billie's house. Her matte black dodge challenger was parked on the curb, the license plate reading "BADGUY". I closed the car door behind me, locking it as I approached the front door. Billie still lived with her parents in their house in Highland Park, which always made the trips out to see her a certainly different dynamic than the trips when she came to my place. Her parents always let me crash and I was thankful for that. I knocked, hoping it was Billie that would answer. She opened the door, wide-eyed and grinning in her typical hoodie and shorts.

"Hi." She said breathlessly.

I chuckled, "Hi." She grabbed the collar of my hoodie and pulled me to her. I stumbled into the doorway as she leaned in and met my lips with her own. I kissed her back, brushing her neck lightly with my fingers. She giggled and let go.

"I missed you." She breathed.

"It's only been a few days," I said, smirking despite the way I found myself quickly kissing her again before she spoke.

"A few days too many, bitch." She turned and walked down the hall, gesturing for me to follow. I walked the familiar route to her bedroom, my eyes scanning the family photos on the wall. She'd desperately tried to move past those the first time I'd been there saying they were, "Ugly as fuck." I seized that opportunity to tease her to no end. She was unhappy with me that night.

We passed through the small kitchen and family room space. Maggie was in the kitchen and I waved.

"Y/N, good to see you." She said, eyes lighting up as I walked through.

"Always a pleasure Mrs. O'Connell." I opened my mouth to ask her about her day, but Billie was quick to interrupt.

"We'll be in my room." I shook my head and mouthed a sorry to Maggie as Billie pulled me into her bedroom. Maggie chuckled to herself and turned back to the stove. Billie opened her door, the red light spilling out. I plopped myself down on Billie's bed as she closed the door behind us. I looked up at her as she shut it, watching the way a grin slowly made an appearance. As soon as it clicked shut, she bounded onto the bed next to me. I buried myself into the many pillows as she curled into my side. She leaned up, moving her head from my shoulder to kiss my jawline.

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