chapter 7

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I rolled over, squinting in the sunlight filtering in through the windows of my room. The white walls and white comforter were blinding and I blinked to adjust my eyes. I groaned, covering my face with my arm. My face felt dry and I wanted a glass of water, but I was too tangled up in the sheets to move. I layed there for a little bit, opening and closing my mouth to see if the dryness would go away. I heard the door open and turned my head to see Dakota closing the door behind her.

"What time is it?" I grumbled.

She climbed onto the bed. "Three"

I groaned and put a pillow over my face. Dakota lifted the pillow much to my protest. "I'm still mad at you."

She ripped the pillow from me. "How am I supposed to know you were out with Billie?"

"I don't know." I said lazily, looking away from her.

"What time do you want to leave for the grounds?" She asked, scooting up so she was sitting against the headboard.

I looked up at her. "Did Skylar and Luna leave already?"

"Yeah." She pulled out her phone. "They didn't want to wait for you to wake up."

"That's fair." I shrugged.

"Does five work?"

"Dakota -" I was suddenly serious, sitting up so I was facing her. She frowned and looked at me, concern painting her features. "I- I really like her."

Dakota eyes widened. "Actually?" She questioned, all trace of humor gone.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes."

"You gotta go for it man." She jumped up from the bed. "Or I will literally smack you so hard."

"Says the cockblock."

She gasped and within an instant was reaching for a pillow to hit me with. I grinned and took off down the hallway. She called after me, "You're lucky I don't want to run after you."

I plopped on the couch, breathing heavily. "Dakota can you get my phone?" I called down the hallway. She appeared above the couch and dropped my phone on my chest. I scrolled through the notifications as Dakota made herself busy in the kitchen.

"Bro, you seen this?" I asked Dakota . "My instagram is blowing up."

Dakota walked over to the couch, cereal in hand. She spoke between mouthfuls. "No." She sat across from me. "What is it?"

I clicked on my tagged. "Fuckkk dude."


I tossed her my phone. "There's a pap picture of Billie and I at froyo."

"I'm saving this photo." She said, giggling.

I rolled my eyes. "Not the point dawg."

"Sorry, sorry." She tossed the phone back. "It's not a huge deal."

I shook my head and stood. "You know how the fans are, though." I walked towards the kitchen. "Especially her fans."

"Yeah, I know." She sighed. "But I mean, if you like this girl and you literally almost fucking kissed? Is it a problem if people see you together?"

I grabbed a monster from the fridge, walking back to the couch. "I don't know." I scratched the back of my head. "We haven't talked about it so I don't know what she wants."

"Talk to her."

I nodded. "I should." I leaned back, resting my head on the back of the couch. "I mean, she tells her fans she's straight, so I don't know what that means either." I cracked open my monster and took a long sip, thinking.

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