Chapter one

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*Chloe's POV*

I woke up but kept my eyes closed, my head pounded and hurt with the faint noises that were going on. I lifted my head and it hurt at the angle that it was on. I groaned and slowly put my head bacl on the... chest? I lifted my head again and looked at the... boy (thank god) who was still asleep. He had curl pasta hair that was a dark brown, his lips were slightly swollen but light pink and very luscious looking. his chin was a box like with angled cheek bones. His eyes were closed but his eyelashes were thick very jelouse, he was a very attractive boy but his name wasn't memoriable. I turned around on my back the boys arm falling limp by my waist. I got the strength to sit up and the sheet slipped off my chest.... bare chest. Oh crap i slept with the boy who was now stiring next to me. I lifted the sheet and saw that i was bare but naked and so was he. I blushed slightly as he started to proppally wake up.

"Good Morning love, how did you sleep?" he asked me sitting up and staring into my eyes. The emrealds sparkled in the light that was shinging through his curtians.

"Ummm... if you dont mind me asking... who are you?" I asked a little embaressed. He gave me a wtf look and i blushed deeper.

"I-I'm Haryy Styles" The boy said giving a seductive smile showing off irresistible dipples. His name sounded very fimilliar. I looked at him again nodding once as he got out of bed and wincined.

"Dam girl, im sore... what about you?" I cracked a little smile and wrapped the sheet around my chest and streched. I was a bit sore but not that much. Harry turned around laughing and walked out of his room in the nude.


"Aww Haz got some last night" another boy yelled out this time he was english I blushed at how obivous it was.

"Well dose your girl want Pancakes?" Another boy yelled out at me. I blushed and got out of bed looking for my dress I wore the night before. I heard foot steps and dived for the sheet wrapping it around me like an over sized towle. I was just about to sneak to the bathroom when i heard a gasp.

"Oh sorry... I was asked to bring... umm... would you like something to... um wear." A very red and cute blonde asked me. I blushed and clutched the sheet to me tighter.

"I'd take that as a yes then?" I nodded and simled a little. He set the food on the bedside table and walked toward Harrys dresser and brought out a pair of sweats and a loose jumper. He handed them to me keeping his eyes anywhere else but on me, aww he is such a gentleman. I grabbed the clothes and he smiled and walked out of the room. I smiled and walked into the bathroom. I gasped at the look of my face i looked like a panda. My red lip stick smudge and i had a purple love bite on my kneck. I rubbed my make off and changed into the jumper and sweats, luckly i found me bra and my umderwear from last night. I know gross but im not going comando stlye. I found a brush under the sink cupboard and brushed my still curly hair from last night to its dead straigt naturalness. I hated the fact that i didnt have my make up with me. I walked down the staris slowly inhaling the smell of delisous pancakes. 

*Nialls POV*

Who Harry sure can pick the beautful ones. When i walked up to his bedroom she was in nothing but a sheet. I blushed from walking in on her.

"Oh sorry... I was asked to bring... umm... would you like something to... um wear." I turned very red as she blushed and clutched the sheet tighter to her slim figure.I blushed and looked away.

"I'd take that as a yes then?" She nodded and simled a little. I set the food on the bedside table and walked toward Harrys dresser and brought out a pair of sweats and a loose jumper. I handed them to her keeping my eyes off her naked body. She grabbed the clothes and I smiled and walked out of the room, blushing a lot. She looked beautiful with her wavy drak bown hair, it was really dark like black. Her eyes were a shade lighter than Harrys and bare shoulders were... SNAP OUT OF IT NIALL. I sat at the table and laughed at the funny shape pancakes that Lou had made i schoffed them down and chased them down with a glass of orange juice.

"Hello Love" Harry said taking the tray of food i brought up there out of her hands.

"Hi I thought I just eat down here with the you and the rest of the guys" She turned red as all eyes landed on her. She looked even more galiant when she blushed I looked away as her eyes landed on me. I looked down at my empty plate and grabed Liams from across the table.

"HEY NIALLER THATS MINE!!!" He yelled turning attention away from Harrys friend.

"You weren't eating them and im still hungry" I said looking down at my plate as i could feel her eyes on me.

"Are you going to stay for breakfast..."Harry asked but stopped short when he diddn't remember her name.

"Chloe" She said speaking again her voice angelic. I looked up and smiled at her as she went red again. "Umm yea sure my girls might be a bit worried though" Liam smiled his dad instincts he pulled out his phone and handed it to her "Call them and tell them not to worry... your sort of safe" Chloe smiled and out of the room calling her friends.

*Chloe's POV*

"His name was Harry" I whispered and kept my voice low .

"Harry who?" Tashie and Amber asked in syinc.I smiled at how noisy they are.

"I dont know... His friend is cute though" I smiled remembering the Blonde irsh boy Liam named Nialler.

"So Harry was a one night stand?" Amber asked.

"Yes Amber" I wishper/yelled. She laughed and so did Tash.

"I have to go im waisting Liam's credit" "LIAM WHO?!" the girls yelled as i hung up the phone. I walked into the kitchen walking over to pass Liam back his phone. He smiled and gesutered to a plate of pancakes my stomach rumbled and i sat down next to Nialler and Harry.

"Sooooo I dont the rest of your names, Harry" I pointed at Harry "Nialler" I pointed to him "Umm its Niall... Nialler is a nick name" he said I smiled and then pointed to Liam "Liam" He nodded and Liam introduced the others "This is Louis the carrot loving and stripe wearing boy... And... wait where is Zayn?" Liam asked.

"Dunno" Niall said and as if on cue a half naked boy walked into the room. I blushed and looked down. "Geeze Zayn... what is with everyone not wearing clothes" Harry looks over to me and winks making me blush. Zayn then looks over at me

"Well hello there you must be Harrys girl" He said givng off a cheeky smirk and making me blush yet a again.

"Dude seriously i thought girls only blushed once" Louis yelled I laughed and stuck my tounge at him. I looked over at Niall and he was holding his fork really hard. After breakfast i found my bag and dress getting a call from Mum. I smiled and announced that i had to go Harry walked me out to the door I ignored the call and looked him in the eyes.

"That wasn't important was it" He looked at me concered

"No it wasn't" I said reasuring him. He smiled and leant on the wall. I smiled at him and stood on one foot awkwardly.Harry smiled showing that he thought it was awkward as well.

"Well i had fun last night..." Harry started off I blushed and put a hand around my waist... making me nervous as he beant down and placed his lips on mine. His lips were very soft and warm, but i didn't feel anything. He pulled bacl and smiled.

"Ummm... I-I-I-I think that...Look i dont want to hurt you but,,,"

"Harry...umm... I think I know what your saying... I only want to be friends... at least I hope thats what you were trying to say"

Harry seamed to breath a sigh of relife and i smiled "Yea thats what i wanted to say... Here pass me your phone and i will call sometime so we can just hang" he put a little emphasis on the word hang and i simled and passed my phone to him. He put his number into my phone and took my number as well. I smiled and took my phone back, and kissed Harry on the cheek. I walked out of the door uelling good bye to the boys and walk the half a mile back to mine and Ambers and Tashie.

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