Chapter eight

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  • Dedicated to Amber Malik

*Tashie's POV*

Once Dani finally showed up Liam couldn't stop glowing at how proud he was of his girl friend. I smiled at her and we talked a bit, she wanted to know who we were. When Chloe told her that she used to dance and how much she loved Dani brightned up and they started to talk about dance things.

After a while El and Perrie came and give there best friend a big hug, and they started to catch up.

"Hey Love" Louis said kissing my temple. We hanve been sleeping together since disney land, I just have to say he is amaizng. I giggled and leanded into Louis's shoulder getting a warm hug in return, I also got a few hateful glares from El.

"Hey Lou, having fun?" Dani asked giving Louis a hug.

"Hey Dani, yea i am congrats" He said kissing her on the cheek

"Thanks Louis, how has it been going?" She asked looking between me and him.

"Every thing is going great" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder again. I blushed and got another glare off of El.

"Tashie come and dance with me?" Louis asked grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the dance floor.  "Don't worry about Eleanor, Tashie she is just jellouse" Louis said placing both arms around my waist me wrapping mine around his neck.

"Tashie go out with me?" Louis asked not long after we started to dance, spining me into a circle before taking me into his arms. I blushed feeling a very scary glare on me, I nodded and kissed him on the lips, quikcly yet passionately. I stood onto my tippy toes and whispered in to his ear "You will get the rest tonight" I pulled back to see the look on his face and he was dead serious, he winked and walked to talk to Zayn.

I smiled and couldn't help my self I looked at my Boyfriends sexy ass as he walked away. I MEAN WHO WOULDNT ITS THE SEXIEST ASS IN THE WORLD!!! He turned around and smirked smacking the air pretending it was an ass he then pointed to me, and continued the motion. I blushed and walked away to find Amber and Chloe to tell them that I was dating Louis.

I looked around to not finding Chloe nor Amber, but my eyes did land on my boyfriend and Zayn grinding each other... omg! I giggled and looked around again finally finding Chloe. I ran over to her, but her head stayed down. I slowed my run and put my hands on her shoulders, she flinched and looked up.

"Whats up buttercup?" I asked looking at my bestfriend in worry. She smiled sadly and pointed to a coner left of the room, where Niall and Perrie were making out. I looked back over to her and she was crying looking at them in hate. I kissed her on the cheek and turned to walk away, she grabbed the bottom of my dress.

"Where are you going?" She asked her voice shaking, im going to kill Niall. I smiled and hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear "Trust me" I turned again and looked back at Chloe she was whipping her tears and walked off to the front door shutting behind her. I looked over at Louis and he looked back at me with confusion in his eyes, I looked between him and Niall and he turned to see Niall. He glared at him and started to walk towards him but I ran to stop him.

"Tashie what are you doing" He yelled at me over the music.

"I'm going to yell at Niall myself he made my best friend cry Louis im going to kill him infront of his new girlfriend" I sapt back turning and walking towards Niall. Niall looked up with a shepish look on his face, Perrie saw my anger and stepped back. When I reached Niall I slapped him on the face a reall good hard one that almost sent his head to the other side of the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK TASH1!?" He yelled at me not just so i can her but to show his anger.

"YOUR A FUCK WIT YOU KNOW THAT MAKING OUT WITH FUCKING BARBIE OVER HERE WHEN CHLOE IS AT THE FRONT CRYING HER EYES OUT BECAUSE OF YOU, SHE LIKES YOU NIALL ANY DIPSTICKED FUCK-WIT CAN SEE THAT. BUT GEUSS NOT EVERYONE!!!!!!" I yelled back at him my face so read with not breathing throughout that entire insult, he looked hurt but i didnt care I walked to find my best friend. But I quikly turned to yell "OH AND STAY AWAY FROM MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!" I turned and saw a smile on Zayns face and a shocked look on Louis's I smiled quickly and kissed him on the lips. I walked away to find Chloe but she was no longer at the front and her car was gone. I walked back inside to see Niall being yelled at by Zany, Louis and Liam who was doing most of the yelling. I went to find Amber and told all that went on she went off her head and started to walk off to yell at him as well.

*Chloe's POV*

I shouldn't have driven off like this im so pissed and I didn't want to stay there. Three hours and he is making out with Perrie, well she is beautiful and funny and famous. What chance did i have. I got to the cliff at lovers point and parked my car, I took the keys out of the ignition and got out slowly limping to the hood and sat down crying my eyes out. My foot hurt from all the burden, and the strength i used to dirve, I glared at my stupid cast and then stared to yell out meaningless nothing. 

"WHY THE FUCK DID IT HAVE TO BE ME!?" I screamed out to the ocean


"YOU KNOW IM NOT GOING TO FORGIVE HIM I FUCKING HATE HIM!!!!" I cried and cried and cried. I then started to hear my phone going off wtih texts and calls, I sighed and slipped off the hood and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I asked very bluntly

"Chloe where are you?" Liams voice rung out there was no music and veryone sounded worried calling out my name even Niall.

"In emotional hell, Li" I said starting to cry again at the sound of Nialls voice filled with worrie. STOP IT CHLOE HE DOSEN'T CARE! I mentally shouted at my self.

"Chloe tell me where you are I will come and pick you up and take you home"

"Where is home Liam" I replyed coldly.

"Back here... with us" He said quitly.

"I have a home and its with my gilrs not with you boys"I spat and hung up. I threw my phone out to the ocean.

"Fuck why the fuck did i just do that?" I mentally slpapped my self and got into my car driveing home at a very treacherous speed vaugly getting home in one peice. I slammed the car dorr and walked up the pathway to mine and my girls house. I walked in and slammed the door shut, I stripped in the loungeroom and walked off to my bedroom sleeping in the nude, to pissed off to change into anything.

*Authors note :) *

Hey guys so so so so so so so so so so sorry its late and that it sux. If i affened anyone im sorry, and im sure Niall wouldn't do what he did. Anyway when I first did this chapter my best friends computer fucked up so i had to redo it and i know that this one sux but I actually like it. Please comment and tell what you think might happen to everyones realtionship <3

Love always

Chloe <3 :) XoxO

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