Chapter Five

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For much of the first week after Jasper had come back was the same. We'd wake up, have breakfast together, and then go onto our respective duties for the day. We'd go home, and he'd cook dinner while I watched, and then we'd watch reruns of whatever was on that night. We were settling into a routine that was the total opposite of the one I previously had. I couldn't deny that I liked having someone to come home to; it made life feel better. Coming home and knowing I wouldn't be alone, it brought a well-needed smile to my face.

The fact that it was Jasper I was coming home to was a bonus. He made me happy to come home, had me looking forward to something new each day, no more rutting around in the same routine each day. As time passed, we did many of the same things each day, but in different ways; we were having fun, laughing, and remembering our childhood. A fresh new life had stormed over my old boring one. A positive change, all because of Jasper.

My attitude coming into work matched my newfound feelings and home-life.

Carly grinned at me as I walked into the lab a week later. "You've been awfully happy lately, honey; who do you have at home waiting for you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "You do have someone waiting for you, don't you? You seem happier than usual."

I couldn't fight the blush that rushed to my cheeks. Of course, Carly would know about this. I was positive she and my mother were on the phone every day talking about me. I was sure my mother told her about Jasper living with me now, and she hoped some good news would come of it. It was probably her diabolical plan all along. Why wouldn't she want Jasper and me together? She'd only been telling us our entire lives how cute we'd be together when we got older. We'd just brushed it off at the time, not thinking anything of it. We were happy being friends, content.

Oh, how the years have changed us.

Lately, yeah, I began to think that maybe, just maybe, my mother may have been onto something. I didn't speak of it with Jasper, though, and I didn't want to scare him off so soon after having him come back into my life. It was too much of a struggle for me to figure out; I didn't want to make him struggle as well.

"I'm sure my mother told you."

She nodded, holding out her hand, making sure I caught sight of her new nails. Bright green, the tips looking like they could perform surgery. I shuddered at the thought. "She did, girly, but I want to hear it from you!" her voice rose as she spoke. She'd only ever wanted me to be happy; the least I could do was tell her I was.

"Gorgeous nails, Carly." She smiled at the compliment, bringing her nails back to curl around her jacket, waiting for me to continue speaking. "Jasper came back last week. The one who was with Blaine and me all the time?" I gave her a grin; she rolled her eyes while playing along with my little game. Nothing wrong with having a little fun at the office.

"Oh yes, the tall blonde guy. He's always had gorgeous green eyes, don't you think? Kind of like a lime." She feigned, not knowing who he was. She knew him just as well as she knew me; she was like another mother to us. It would be impossible for her to forget about one of her 'children.'

"More like emeralds," I muttered than froze, staring at her in shock, my grin sliding into a shocked frown. Carly wore a grin that could've broken down the walls on either side of her. Before, I'd caught her saying something she didn't want to. This time, she got me, and she couldn't have been more thrilled.

"Ooh, baby! I always knew you and Jasper would be something. I knew it; I prayed and prayed for you two. And I told you guys too!"

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