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A/N- if anyone knows who the artist/editor that made my cover pls let me know so I can credit them. I found it on Pinterest, thanks!

I watched as Carrie handed out fliers for something. Mara, my best friend nudged me as she nodded at  Carrie.

"Let's play: Guess what princess is handing out!" Mara chimed. "My guess, a party invitation."

"Stickers and glitter." My other friend, Griffin, guessed.

Carrie walked over. "Starr, we missed you in math today."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Carrie?"

"My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow." She smiled, a fake smile of course. By this rate she'll have wrinkles by twenty five with those fake expressions.

"We know, Carrie. We saw you on the roster." I informed.

Carrie furrowed her eyebrows. Mara smiled.

"Oh, you didn't know? We're performing too. We gotta give at least one decent performance since we're going after you." Carrie gasped at the insult.

I chuckled. "Don't worry Carrie. We can't all be good musicians."

She huffed at us before storming away. Nick, Carrie's boyfriend smiled at me. "Good luck you guys."

"Thanks Nick." I replied.


I sat in music class and watched as nick shredded on the guitar. When he was finished we all clapped. He was good, not good enough to be in my band but good.

"Okay, we have one last performance." Our teacher said. "Julie."

I think we were all waiting for this moment. Will Julie actually perform or will she cower away from the spotlight like she has? I guess we're about to find out. Julie sat at the piano. Wow, the ancipatoon. I looked over at Mara, who was on her phone. Looks like Mara already took her guess on what's about to happen. I think we all knew once Julie stood up. Hey, at least she made it to the piano this time.

"I'm sorry." Julie apologized.

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Watch it, Carrie." Flynn said as she followed Julie out.

"We should be asking you the same question when you perform." I commented.

Mara laughed as Carrie glared back at me. I faked a smile at her.

"Starr Jackson." Our teacher looked at me. "After class, please."

"Can't, band practice." I smiled, knowing I was excused when I had a performance the next day.


"No, that's wrong!" I yelled. "Why're we so bad."

My band, Revival Starr, was rehearsing for tomorrow. Our entire song and timing was off. It was stressful to say the least.

"Starr, we'll get it before tomorrow." Mara assured.

"It's not about the the rally. If we can't sound good in our practice what will that say about our performance. I will NOT let Carrie and her group of weirdos win."

"And they won't." Griffin added. "We'll come back tomorrow and have an early practice before school."

"What?" I asked offended. "We're gonna stay here till we get this right."

"Starr, I have to go home. It's like past dinner time." Mara but her bass down. Griffin put his drum sticks down and Oliver, Griffin's cousin followed Mara's actions.

"Sorry Starr." They each whispered as they all walked out the door.

"That's cool. I'll just rehearse on my own!" I yelled. I huffed and sat down. I can't believe they bailed on me. We have a performance tomorrow and we sound awful. This isn't what bands do.

I got up when I heard screaming from next door. Is that Julie? I walked out of my garage to see Julie running out of her garage. Glad to see she's back in there. Julie has potential. I peaked over to see three guys in her garage. She has company? They're cute too. Maybe I should go introduce myself. I thought but then decided against it.

After sitting in the front of my house, writing a new song I saw Julie walk back to the garage with a cross. I followed her in but waited out by the door. The three guys appears out of nowhere, like out of thin air.

I listened to the entire thing that was until Carlos came out. He talked to Julie something about wanting a normal sister and coming to eat. The he walked out. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi Starr." He whispered.

My eyes widened. My covers been blown. I hope they didn't hear that. Soon after Julie was walking out. I quickly headed back to my garage. What the hell just happened? Ghosts aren't real.

Hope you enjoyed! Just wanted to let you know that this fanfic is based off Starr not Julie. Starr has her own story with the same timeline as Julie's. Also a small warning: I know nothing about music but I thought this series was super cute and wanted to write about it. Let me know if I have any errors or if I messed something up. Good feedback is appreciated.

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