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Hey, I almost forgot to update. Yikes. Imagine how embarrassing that would be after I was bragging about how I've been updating daily.

I stood at my locker watching as Julie did a shoulder dance. At least she's back to her normal cheery self. I watched as Her and Flynn walked to the music room. I should go talk to her.

"...then The pudding went everywhere!" Griffin finished telling us.

"Hey, I'll be right back." I told them. Mara looked at them before looking back at me.

"Are you okay?" I nodded before walking off.

I was about to walk into the room when I heard them talking. Julie was singing some songs she wrote with Luke to Flynn. There's no harm in listening to the competition, right?

"That's beautiful." Flynn said. It's was okay at best, I rolled my eyes. "Any my girl's got a crush and his name is Luke."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Julie likes Luke? I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy. Why am I jealous? I don't even like Luke. He's annoying with his stupid smile.

"What? No, Luke's a ghost." Julie defended.

"A cute ghost." Flynn added. She's not wrong.

"With a perfect smile."

No way. Julie likes Luke! He's a ghost. That's like so no gonna work, right?

"Ha! I knew it!" Flynn cheered. "Just remember he's made of air."

"Cute air."

"Just don't get hurt. You guys have a connection. Everyone's wondering when you'll play again."

Everyone? Who's everyone? I wonder if they been talking about us too. After my last performance, I'll definitely need redemption.

"We don't have anything planned. Luke and I have been focused on writing songs."

I rolled my eyes. I hate how that Sainz coming out of her mouth. 'Luke and I.'

"Lucky for you, your marketing team has been ahead of you."

"I don't have a marketing team."

"Yes, you do! You're playing the school dance tonight and I'm DJ-ing."

The school dance? That's today? I quickly walked back to my friends. I grabbed a random kid passing by.

"Tell all your friends Starr Revival is playing tonight if you don't want a broken arm." I smiled before letting him go. He ran off.

"We're playing tonight?" Oliver asked. "I have plans today. I have a date!"

"Cancel them. The dance is tonight."

"So? We never play dances." Mara spoke.

"We are tonight, okay. Julie and her band is playing and we're aren't gonna let them get all that recognition. Plus, it'll be good practice." I assured.

"But we have to let them know a couple of days before the dance." Griffin added.

"I'll figure it out." I nodded.


After school I immediately headed to office. I smiled at the secretary.

"Where can I sign up for my band to play tonight?" I asked.

"List was up yesterday."

"Can I still sign up?"

"Sorry, Starr." She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Please, I would've done it yesterday but, uhm," I looked down and tears rolled down my face. "My uncle died yesterday and I just wasn't in the right state if mind, you know."

She sighed. "Okay, fine."

She pulled out the list. It was just Julie and her band. I added Starr Revival to the list and passed it back.

"Thank you so much." I smiled before turning away. I wiped my tears as I walked out. A smile spread across my face, works every time.

Hope you enjoyed! Hope you have a great day! My day's been stressful, I might just drop my precalc class.

Starr Revival | Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now