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I woke up feeling as if I was missing something. For a second I thought it was Luke. Why is it that when he does something I find annoying I end up liking him even more? I grabbed my stuff and realized what I was missing, my journal. The one I wrote songs in. Okay folks, this is when we go into panic mode. I searched my entire room, then the kitchen, living room, and studio. Maybe I left it at school? I was about to go to school when I heard singing from Julie's garage. I know I shouldn't go in but I really wanna see Luke. Especially after last night. I feel like there was something there, like a spark? I don't know. Nonetheless, I peaked in.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You're smiling?" Alex asked.

"I'm in a good mood, I guess."

"I like it." Reggie nodded. I laughed.

"Hey, have any of you seen my journal?" I asked remembering my missing sentimental piece of value.

The blonde and beauty looked at Luke. I raised my eyebrow. Luke smiled. "I found it outside."

"May I have it back?"

"Yes, but first, who's this song about?" He opened the notebook to a page. I read the words I hoped I didn't. Still into you

I reached for the notebook but he pulled it away. "No one."

He held it up as I tried to jump to get it. "It's not a walk in the park to love each other, But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, you're the worth it." He read. I glared at him and crossed my arms. Luke continued to read through as I struggle to even get near it. "...recount the night that I first met your mother, and on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved you."

"Woah," Reggie smiled. "I didn't know you were such a romantic."

"Yeah, Starr, that's really good." Alex agreed.

"Shut up." I snapped. "Luke, give it back."

I could feel my face turn red. I was embarrassed and I was getting mad. Not a good mix.

"Who's it about?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'll tell you if you give it." I shrugged. He suspiciously handed it back. I snatched it out of his hands.  "I hate you."

I walked to the door.

"But you didn't tell us." Reggie called.

I turned around. "Ex-boyfriend."


My mood immediately boosted as soon as I got to school. The entire school was talking about our performance last night. It was surreal. It felt like things were starting to turn around for us as a band. We worked so hard this year and we deserve have that success I can feel coming. As I was at my locker I saw Luke. I rolled my eyes. He smiled at me.

"Hey, Starr." I put my phone to my ear. "What're you doing?"

"Bye, Luke." I grabbed my books and slammed my locker. I walked away from him.

"Wait, I wanna ask... that song, uh, what was he like?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"You mean the personal song that you read out loud? Yeah I didn't really appreciate that."

"I'm sorry. You're a really good writer, you know. You should sing that song, it's really good."

I laughed. "No."

"No? It's good."

"It's a dumb song I made a long time ago. Please, forget about it." I dragged out please hoping he'd just drop it.

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