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Hey, welcome back! Hope you're having or had an amazing day! Sorry, I feel obligated to do these now but it's okay because I like doing it. Anyways don't forget to eat and drink water.

"Yeah, that's it! We so got it!" I cheered. Mara and Oliver smiled as the strummed their guitars.

"Yeah, we're gonna rock this school dance." Griffin smacked his drums. I laughed.

"Break?" Oliver asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I think we deserve it."

Mara came over to me. "You're in a better mood today."

"I have a good feeling about tonight." I smiled. Mara nodded. "I don't even care that Julie's band is playing."

"Good because you need to relax." We laughed.

I looked over at Oliver, who was on the phone. I walked over to him and waited till he ended his call.

"Thanks your canceling your date for this." I smiled.

He nodded. "Yeah, I mean it was for the band."

"Oliver, I'm sorry about the other day. It was rude of me to laugh but I swear I wasn't laughing at you. I was just... stressed and I wasn't really expecting it."

"It's whatever." He shrugged. I could easily tell he was still bothered by it.

"I really am sorry. And hey, maybe you could be my date to the dance?" I smiled as I playfully punched his arm. Yes, this is unfortunately me trying to be nice and somewhat flirt.

He chuckled. "Okay, sure."

"Cool." I laughed. "And I look good green."

"I'll wear green." He smiled.


I sat outside writing more music when I saw Julie and Flynn walk out of Julie's garage. Weird, where are the guys? I haven't seen them since yesterday. Maybe Luke doesn't want to be around me. I mean the guys, the guys don't want to be around me.

"Julie, wait!" I quickly got up. "Hey Flynn."

Flynn smiled. Julie looked at me. "Yeah?"

"Did you get my note?"

She shook her head. "What note?"

I'm gonna kill those boys, again. I asked them to do one thing. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being mean and everything. You're band is great, I heard you guys playing earlier."

"Thanks." Julie smiled.

"Uh, good luck tonight."

Hope you enjoyed! I know it's kinda short and that's because I've been falling behind on my writing bc of school. I got a lot done today so I'll for sure be able to write more tomorrow. Also I have a test tomorrow so wish me good luck and yeah be safe.

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