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Hellooo, welcome to chapter 4 I don't know why I do this but yeah.

I walked into Julie's garage when I saw Luke and Reggie around Julie's piano. Before I could even say anything Alex poofed in. I still couldn't believe they were Sunset Curve. And that they were here AND that I could see them.

"What is she doing here?" Alex asked. I scrunched my eyebrows. I don't think he likes me very much.

"Oh, hey Starr." Luke looked turned to me. Alex's eyes widened.

"You're Alex right?" I asked. Alex slowly nodded as his eyes looked at the boys.

"She's a fan of Sunset Curve." Reggie raised his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't say fan."

Luke walked up to me. Why is he so attractive? "You told us you listened to us 'religiously'. And you said you had a crush on me." He smiled as he whispered the last part. I rolled my eyes and walked past him or through him, technically.

"Religiously?" Alex asked.

"It means she used to listen to us a lot." Reggie informed. I nodded as Luke leaned on the piano.

"I guess I kinda was like a fan." I admitted trying to avoid Luke's smile that was directed at me.

"So, why're you here?" Alex asked.

"I came to talk to Julie."

"For what?" Luke asked.

"I was gonna apologize for being mean or whatever." I rolled my eyes. They nodded.

"Anyways, where you been?" Reggie asked.

"Um, kinda everywhere. I met a new ghost friend." Alex excitedly told them.

"For real?"

"Yeah, he answered a ton of questions."

"Yeah? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?" Luke asked passive aggressively as he pulled the notebook out from under Alex. I watched as he slammed it back on the piano.

"Should I come back later or?" I asked. They ignored me. Really?

"I think I know why were here. Okay, all ghosts have like unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over." Alex explained.

"Why would we do that?" Luke asked as he glanced at me. "I'm just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do it get Julie to play with us."

"Not only can that girl sing, she can write too." Reggie agreed. "Luke and I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics."

My stomach became uneasy. If they make this band they might actually be good. Sunset Curve would've been big if the boys didn't die. With Julie's vocals they might actually have a shot at blowing up. I began getting lost thinking about where that left Starr Revival. We were here first. I looked up to see Alex reading out of a Luke's notebook.

"Drumming is so 90s, okay?" Luke patted Alex's shoulder. "We're just gonna stomp our feet now."

I slightly smiled at his awful joke.

"Well, you know what else is so 90s? Being rude, alright? Get woke. These are sensitive times." Alex pressed the notebook against Luke's chest. And I thought I was dramatic.

"Woke." Reggie chuckled. "That's a cool word, what does it mean?"

"No clue." Alex replied. Then they looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "It means being aware of important issues that are happening but it hasn't been used in years."

I shook my head and walked closer to look. "Give me a blank page."

"No." Luke furrowed his eyebrows. He hugged his notebook. "This is important. Say please."

"Please Luke." I sighed. He smiled and ripped a page out.

I quickly wrote Julie a note and folded it into a paper airplane. We used to send each other little notes folded into paper airplanes when we were kids. Now it's crazy to even believe we were ever friends when we stand in very different social circles. I placed the on the table.

"Leave this alone and make sure Julie reads it, thanks."

"Alright boss." I glared at Luke as he smiled. Ugh, that smile. I turned to the door. "Wait, does that mean Julie can join the band?"

"I don't care!" I sung.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm so proud of myself for posting daily so far we'll see how long that lasts.

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