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Hey, so I know I said I was gonna update daily but my teachers said no❤️, gave me homework and said figure it out. So yeah I won't be able to update daily anymore, please forgive me.

I decided to stay and help Flynn clean up. Oliver also decided to stay since he was my date. It's weird, I used to hate Oliver. Now I think he's pretty cool and sweet.

"I'm gonna start packing our stuff into the car." Oliver grabbed his bass and my microphone stand. I nodded.

"I'm gonna finish popping these balloons." I smiled and popped one in my hand. He chuckled and walked off. I watched as the boys stumbled in and talked to Julie. She shook her head at them and walked off. I got off the stage. I took the needle in my hands and popped another ballon catching their attention.

"Hey Starr." Reggie smiled.

"You guys are awful." I stated. "If you weren't already dead, I'd kill you myself."

"You're mad at us too? We didn't even do anything to you." Alex defended.

"You guys missed your performance."

"Aren't you happy we didn't perform?" Luke asked.

"No! If I'm gonna have competition then they better be good enough for me to stress over. And what you did to Julie is so not cool. She's been through a lot and she doesn't deserve that."

They looked down at their feet, ashamed for leaving Julie. I heard footsteps approaching me. I put my phone to my ear. I turned to see Oliver.

"Everything's packed, you ready?"

I nodded. "Let me just finish this call, I'll meet you outside."

"Awe, is he your date? You guys look cute together." Alex smiled. Luke hit his chest. "Ow, dude."

"Yes, he was and thanks."

"That guy? Didn't you reject him like yesterday?" Luke asked.

I glared at him. "Shut up. That's none of your business and be a better friend." I shot a look to Alex and Reggie.

"To you?"

"To Julie, okay?" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I gotta go."


Later that night Luke poofed into my room while I finished homework. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Woah, you look different without makeup on." He looked closely at my face. I scoffed. "I mean in a good way. Your eyes are so dark."

"What do you want, Luke?"

"I wanted to say sorry again." I raised my eyebrows at him. "That's it. Sorry."

"And I thought I sucked at apologizing."

"I am. And I can't stand that you're mad at me." He admitted.

I wanted to smile. God, did I want to tease him. But I played it safe, "why?" By playing dumb.

"I don't know. I-" he sighed. I liked seeing him flustered and unable to speak.

"Why Luke? Say it, maybe I'll forgive you." I smiled.

He looked up at me with his warm eyes. Jesus, he's so perfect. "I'm sorry."

My stomach hurt. But what I thought he'd say. I  pursed my lips and nodded. "Yeah, whatever."

He nodded as his eyes scanned my room. I really thought that he would admit to liking me. I'm so gullible.

"Is there something else or can I finish my homework?"

"Maybe I can help," he stepped forward. "I was pretty good at school before I died."

He sat on the corner of my bed as he looked at my laptop screen. He blinked as he looked at my Algebra 2 homework. I smiled when I realized he had no idea what he was looking at.

"So, Mr Luke, how do I do that problem?" I pointed to my screen.

He smiled. "That's Mr Patterson to you."

I giggled. My eyes slightly widened. Did I just giggle? I don't giggle. I shook it off when I realized Luke was staring at me.

"So, math genius, how did you die?"

He let out a sigh that turned into a chuckle. "Funny story but can't get into that."

"I like funny stories." I raised my eyebrows. He smiled.

"Yeah, I bet you do but if I tell you, you'll never take me seriously."

"It's okay, I already can't take you serious. Your a ghost."

He laughed. "Right, so uhm we were about to perform at the Orpheum and we were hungry so we went to go get a hot dog."


"And then we died."

I laughed. "What?"

"I think it was food poisoning." He nodded. I smiled trying not to laughed. "I knew you were gonna do that."

"Luke, why would you ever think I would make fun of you." I put my hand on my heart. "I take hotdog food poisoning very seriously."

I burst into laughter as soon as I said it. Luke crossed his arms while smiling.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you."

"I'm sorry." I struggled to say. He picked up a pillow and threw it at her. She gasped. "You're so lucky your dead."

Luke laughed. "Yeah and why's that? I don't think you'll actually go through with your threats."

I smiled as I threw the pillow back at him but it just flew through him. He laughed. "I hope that hurt."

"It did." He joked. He looked back. "Uh, I should probably let you finish your homework."

I nodded. "Yeah, I don't wanna fail because of a 90s ghost that couldn't help me with the work."

He chuckled. "Bye Starr."

"Bye Luke."

Hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry I apologize in advance. I will try to update as soon as I possibly can.

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