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It's to early for this
Bakugou's pov

"Yeah, I'm fine, Kacchan" Deku's voice cracks, making him sound less than convincing. This isn't good to nerd looks like he's about to snap and the other extras aren't helping. Deku has been on the verge of snapping since we got here, when he does he's either gonna go on a rampage or just cry. I for one hope it's the latter. Damn nerd would be able to live with himself if he got anyone hurt.

I do whatever it is that I did before so deku and the others can't see me. Deku and icy hot are singing something on stage. Ok katsuki just wait this out then you'll be able to get help from the extras.

Ok more singing, can we get to the murder now please. Deku looks completely bugged out. We have to hurry this up. The set changes and now they're in a forest with tape arms and cheese man...keep your clothes on please no one wants to see your pasty ass chests. Ok now icy hot has a gun let's get this show on the road. BANG down goes cheese man. Oh, yeah deku is not having this. It better work. BANG down goes tape arms. I walk over to the edge of the stage and sit down. I don't think I'm able to go any further then this. The side doors fly open and Sero and what's his face burst in.

"Oi bakubro how's it hanging?" Tape arms asks while giving me a high five.

"As good as it can be man, listen we don't have a lot of time but I need you two to make a bond and start blowing up the back area" I explain.

"Make sure to grab the other's bodies to bring back here, deku is in there trying to find the curtain but we've got to be the back up"

"You got it bro, uhh why can't you do it?" Idiot.

"I can't fucking leave the damn stage, it's weird, I can talk to deku when I want but no one else"

"Damn that sucks man" Damn right it does it's making my anxiety go through the roof. I would much rather be blowing shit up then just sitting here without any way of protecting myself.

"Not really, it's fine just go make the fucking bomb"


"GO MAKE THE FUCKING BOMB YOU SHITY EXTRA" glad Aizawa was hung over and showed us that video on bomb making while he napped.

"NO! We aren't doing anything until you talk about what's going on in that head of yours!!" Fucking hell.

"Tape arms we aren't doing this now-"

"Fuck you, all we ever do is trust that you know what you're doing, you need to trust us too!!" I take a deep breath.

"Ok look, when we get back I'll talk but not now" tape arms smiles softly.

"Good enough for me" thanks man.

"Ok aoyama lets go make a bomb and blow stuff up!" Oh so that's cheese man's name.

"I'm slightly terrified of blowing stuff up"

"Whatever man let's just do it!" They run to the back and get to work. I just hope everything we need is here. I looked around and found everything except for a detonator but I'm sure they have it handled...probably not but not my problem right now I've got to check on the nerd.

"Hey deku" I say while going back in. He's sitting on his bed while just staring at the ceiling, that's depressing.

"Did it work?" He asks without moving. Damn nerd you need some happy drugs right the hell now.

"Yeah" I flop down on the bed next to him and sigh.

"Kacchan, I have a plan and it's gonna sound crazy" oh god-

Bro I'm fucking done with this whole get an education thing-Alec

Me to ma'amf-Liz


Yeah, my amazing and malicious fiend-Liz

I hate you-Alec

Aw you love me!!!-Liz

Word count 675
-The authors

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