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Ao3 is actually really fun!!!!!!
Bakugou's pov

This old ass lady freaking let some high school kids into her house no questions asked. She doesn't know Japanese and I'm the only one who paid attention and still remembers what we learned English. This lady is either insane or a villain.

"Hi, I know enough English to translate for you" I say while shaking her hand.

"My name is Aunt Em, nice to meet you," she says.

"Her name is aunt em" I translate for the idiots.

"my name is ground zero" I'm gonna kill something.

"Introduce yourselves, hero names only" I direct. If she is a villain, knowing our real names means she could target us.

"My name is chargebolt" pikachu bows and I slap him.

"Americans don't bow, they shake hands, god am I the only one who paid a lick of attention in school"

"Sorry, it's weird!" He whines.

"Red riot" Kiri shakes her hand and she lingers a bit too long for my liking. There's something off with her.

"Shoto" fucking emo

"I'm Cellophane" tape arms almost bows then I give him a death glare and he fixes himself.

"Kacchan what's my hero name?!" Deku I swear to god.

"And this is deku, he has a bad memory" I say, you know, like a liar.

"Well, feel free to stay as long as you need too," she says while we walk through the halls. There's weird ass statues everywhere.

"That's ok ma'am, we just need to get back with our class, if there is a phone we could call them and ask where we're meeting up" I ask in English.

"I'm asking for a phone" I tell the other dumbasses and Kiri.

"Yeah there's one in the back the 9 is sticky but otherwise it should work"

"Thank you" I let the others know where I'm going and go to where she said the phone was. I dial Aziawa's number and wait. No answer, what about almight? Still no answer. Pink cheeks?? Raccoon eyes?! What the fuck, they should be answering!!

I walk back over to the table where the others are sitting.

"Did you boys get a ride?" The old chick asks while putting a plate of cookies in front of us.

"Yeah we did" I say.

"Don't eat the cookies" I tell the others. They set the ones they grabbed back on the table.

"That's good, when will they be here" she asks while sitting next to deku. FUCKING HATE THIS LADY

"A few hours, we'll just go out and meet them at the corner," I say.

"Oh you don't have to do that just stay here they can come pick you up" bitch-

"No really it's fine, we can walk it won't hurt"

"If you say so young bakugou" I freeze. The others look at me confused. Bruh how the hell does she know my fucking name?!

"How do you know my name"

"Oh I know all your names" the lady says. Well shit-

"If you even try to say anything to the others I'll kill everyone here" she says. Shit what's her quirk?!

"What do you want?" I ask. The others look confused. Damn it I need to get the others on guard.

"I want a pay check the director offered and I accepted" shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

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