Chapter 15 : who will win Team Champion or Rocket

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Ash pov

The day has finally come. The day of Aria's performance and our plan. I was sitting in VIP box with other champions, Astrid and Palermo. I have talked to my friends about my absence in festival with them.

We all are worried about situation but we remain calm.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen today at the special occasion of festival we have Kalos queen Aria for a lovely performance"....said the announcer.

"We should call Axel and Alain"....said Steven.

We all connect our phones to each other.

"All set "....said Diantha.

"Axel , Alain your positions"....said Lance.

"Uh we are outside Aria's dressing room."....said Alain

" We already realeased our pokemons"....said Axel.

"Good"....said lance

"Leaf and Gary "....said lance.

"We are in crowd we didn't see anything till now ".... said Leaf.

"Ok but keep your eyes open and be attentive"....I said.

"Ok "....they both said.

"Astrid you take every control of contact from here only you and Axel has connection with our phones"....said Cynthia.

"So please welcome Aria".... said announcer.

We saw Aria is coming on stage with both Axel and Alain following being very attentive.

"Go Aria show them what you got".... cheered Palermo.

We are sitting as Aria start her performance. My phone start ringing.

"Sir we got information you want "....said the person.

"Excellent work"....I said happily.

"They know that the security cannot be bribed so they will attack the stage first and threw grenades from sky"....said the person as I connet all phone of champions and Astrid and Axel with it.

"They will attack Aria in meantime they will kidnap Palermo"....said the person.

"Thanks"....I said as I disconnect

"Ok so you all know what to do I and Astrid will go help Axel and Alain while you save Palermo"....I said.

"And Astrid tell Leaf and Gary when we gave signal they help to take everyone out with security but while covering faces."....said Cynthia

"Ok all will done"....said Astrid.

"Ok so gengar keep your eyes open"....I said to my trustworthy pokemon.

We planned everything with Palermo keeping Palermo who was enjoying herself.

Aria is about to start.

Leaf pov

I and Serena are walking to park to meet our friends in morning.

We reached park and saw all our friends are sitting there and Ash also.

"Hey "....I and serena said to them.

"Bro what are doing here"....I said to him.

"Just to meet you"....he said.

"You coming to festival with us right".... serena said to him.

"Uh about that I have to be with Champions I have to do something important"....ash said.

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