2| Jet lag

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Chapter 2: Jet lag (Bella's POV)

"I'm feeling jet-lagged," Ava groaned, sitting on the bench while we waited for our car. 

"There's no time difference between San Diego and Vegas, you can't have jet lag," Charlotte stated, looking at her in confusion. 

"You didn't sleep at all, did you?" I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"Sweethearts, it is 2:00 in the fucking morning," she said, lying down on the bench, sending the people who were about to sit back. 

I pulled her up as the car from our hotel pulled up. "Let's go." Charlotte and I dragged her to the car, where our driver, whose name is Mr. Jenkins as we'll call him. He only told us his last name, what else are we supposed to call him? "Do we ask for you when we need a ride, Mr. Jenkins?" I asked, leaning down while Charlotte dragged Ava out. 

He nodded, "Just ask the front desk for me and I'll be at your service," he smiled. 

"Thank you," I grinned before grabbing my suitcase from the trunk and heading inside with a corpse of Ava, she's as good as dead with the pace she's walking at, and a frustrated Charlotte beside me. 

They both collapsed on the couches, sending me for the keys. I rolled my eyes and went to the front desk, "Hi, I'm Bella Miller, I have a room booked here and so do my friends, could we get the keys please?" I smiled. 

"Your names?" she asked. 

"Bella Miller, Charlotte Willow, and Ava Kendall," I answered. 

She handed me three forms. "Please fill these in and sign them and then I can give you the rooms keys, enjoy your stay," she smiled. 

"Thank you," I smiled before turning around and walking over to the girls. We filled in the forms, I handed them back, retrieved the room keys, and then went back to my ladies. "Three separate floors, well done, ladies. Maybe next time tell each other what room you're booking," I laughed. 

They stood up and we all got to the elevators. I glanced at the couch, clicking my tongue in realization. "Ava, your phone!" I called out while grabbing it. I turned around to follow them but bumped into someone. "Sorry," I said, without turning around to glance at who it was before running back over to them, getting in the elevator. 

"See you tomorrow morning, 10:00, girls," Charlotte said, hopping off on the second floor. 

"Bye, babe," Ava said, getting off on the third. I'm all the way up on the sixth. I stood there until the elevator dinged, opening on my floor. As I stepped out, someone else did too from the elevator opposite to mine. I saw them turn around and walk down the hall while I stepped out myself. 

My room was also to the left so I followed the stranger. Seems I have to follow them the whole way there. I stopped at my door and he stopped at the one next to mine. I glanced at him, noticing that his hoodie covered his face fairly well. I slipped in my key-card, the door beeped open, and I went inside, noticing my suitcase already there. 

I put my bag down and did what everyone does their first moment in their hotel room. Jump onto the bed. Jumped into heaven, basically. I lay there for a while but when I almost fell asleep, I forced myself out and took out the toiletry bag, leaving it on the counter in the bathroom. 

I changed into pajamas before turning off all the lights, leaving the bathroom one on because yes, I still sleep with a night light, not because I'm scared of the dark, but because what if I have to pee in the middle of the night but fall in the dark and crack my skull open? Or what if I need to drink water and grab in the dark and accidentally pour it up my nose? I drink the water lying down, doesn't everyone? 

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