12| Psycho

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Chapter 12: Psycho (Noah's POV)

After a long day of going on roller coasters and rides, a lot of screaming, and a lot of pictures, we were finally back at the hotel. Everyone was extremely exhausted today so we all agreed to just get room service tonight for dinner and call it an early night. 

"Bye," Bella waved at Ava before the doors to the elevator closed and we continued ascending to our floor. 

"I'm very tired I think I'm gonna go to bed," I sighed, leaning my elbow on her shoulder, "In the dark, like normal adults do," I chuckled. 

She pulled her shoulder from under my arm, shaking her head while I laughed. "Noah, I swear to god, I am one second away from throwing you out of this elevator," she groaned. 

"Really? Is that a promise?" I smirked, stepping closer to her. 

"Give it a rest," she scoffed, pushing me back. 

"Is that a promise?" I repeated, grabbing her wrist. 

She rolled her eyes while leaning against the wall. "Yes, it's a promise," she nodded. She put her head back, looking up at me while I stood directly in front of her, almost against her. She swallowed before blinking up at me. "What?" she asked. 

"What?" I repeated. 

"Why are you staring?" she questioned. 

"Because I can," I retorted. 

"How charming," she chuckled. 

I stepped aside when the elevator dinged open. "What was your favorite ride today?" I asked, grabbing her hand in mine and swinging them back and forth. 

"Um," she laughed, "All of them," she said. 

"That's not a real answer," I argued. 

"Sure it is," she replied, pulling her hand out of mine only when we reached our rooms. 

"I'll see you before your bedtime," I sang. She smacked my shoulder, pushing me before going into her room. I entered my room and grabbed my pajamas first, heading to the shower. 

I stepped out without my shirt on while drying my hair when there was a knock at my door. "One second!" I called out, grabbing my shirt. I opened the door and saw Bella. "Hey," I grinned. 

"Hi, hungry?" she asked. 

"Why? You wanna take me out?" I smirked. 

"Funny, I'm ordering room service, your room is next to mine. You wanna have dinner?" she asked. 

"Sure, over here?" 

"I don't mind," she shrugged in response. I stepped aside and let her in, closing the door while pulling my shirt on. We both read through the menu cards and then I placed the order. I got the door when housekeeping arrived with our food and thanked them before closing the door. I turned to her, watching as she pressed the button on the remote, flicking from channel to another. 

"They don't even have good movies on," she pouted, sitting up against the headboard, crossing her legs. 

"Does any hotel ever actually have good movies on?" I chuckled. Surprisingly, we found Psycho screening on the TV. Psycho as in from 1960. "You know when you're asleep tonight," I cleared my throat, turning to her, "That guy is gonna come get you," I laughed as the girl screamed on screen in the shower. 

The infamous shower scene everyone knows. Even people who haven't watched it. She's taking a shower, he rips the curtain open, he has a knife, you know the story. 

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