9| Adrenaline

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Chapter 9: Adrenaline (Bella's POV)

"What are we doing first?" Lucas asked. 

"Close your eyes and spin around, the finger you point at, we'll go there," Charlotte shrugged. 

"Me?" I asked. 

"Yeah," everyone shrugged in sync. 

"Why am I making all the decisions? You do it," I said, nudging Noah's elbow with mine. 

"I don't wanna do it. I wanna do that one," he said, pointing to the biggest roller coaster there was in sight. 

"No, best for last, pick one that's not so... grand," I said. 

"Scared?" he teased. 

"No, I just want to do the best one before we go," I retorted, heading to a completely different ride. 

"We could split up. It's not like we have to do all the rides together," Oliver said. 

"Split up and meet back here when?" Ava asked. 

"Before we leave?" I shrugged. Everyone agreed and then came who was going with who. 

"I can go with Bella," Ava said. 

"Sorry, she's taken," Noah grinned, grabbing my wrist and beginning to pull me towards the rides. "Have fun!" he sang over his shoulder to them. 

"That was mean, she's uncomfortable back there," I mumbled. 

"She's not uncomfortable, she's nervous. They'll probably kiss at some point today. I just gave them the whole day to themselves," he explained. 

"I thought I told you not to interfere," I huffed as we got in line. 

"I'm not, I just wanted the day with you, that means she has to go with him, no other way," he shrugged. 

"And why do you want the day with me and not Lucas? Who is your friend, may I add." I folded my arms across my chest, waiting for his answer. 

"Because I want to know you better," he answered. 

"Right, and roller coasters give us a lot of room for chit chat, don't they?" I chuckled. 

"You two, up next!" We both stepped up and climbed into our seats. 

"Why do you like roller coasters so much?" he asked while we buckled ourselves in. 

"They're fun and as much as I love roller coasters, I think it's the adrenaline that I like more. You know the butterflies, the churning in your stomach, your heart pounding against your ribcage, the way your knees are weak when you hop off," I laughed, "I think that's what I like." I turned to look at him and he was just staring with a small smile. "What? That's not crazy to say, so many people like roller coasters for that reason," I scoffed. 

"None that I've met. Except me," he shrugged. 

"So then you're a roller coaster junkie too?" I smirked. 

"It's the adrenaline. I'm an adrenaline junkie," he retorted. I laughed while shaking my head as the ride picked up and started its course. 


After doing every single ride, some of them more than once, we decided to call it a day. It was a little after three so yeah, we were here for a freaking while. Now, we were all hungry and craving some lunch, by all I mean me and Noah since we haven't actually met the others yet. 

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