15| Hideout

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Chapter 15: Hideout (Bella's POV)

It was currently almost midnight and we're sitting in Noah's room, not talking, both of us just on our phones, in our own worlds. "Noah," I said, looking up at him. 

"Hmm?" he replied. 

"You were supposed to get me ice cream," I stated, narrowing my eyes at him. 

He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall, remaining in his seat on the floor. "Shit," he chuckled, "Okay, let's go." 

"Right now?" 

"It's Vegas," he deadpanned, "The whole city is awake at night, come on." He stood up and held his hand out. 

I sighed in defeat, putting my hand in his and letting him pull me up. We left and headed downstairs, stepping into the elevator. While we were descending, it stopped on the third floor and dinged open, allowing Lucas and Ava to step in. They stepped in, engrossed in their conversation, freezing when they realized it was us in the elevator with them. I looked at Noah and bit back a laugh. 

"You guys are going on a date? A little rendezvous in the middle of the night, huh?" Noah taunted. Neither of them said anything and completely ignored him. "Aww, look. Look, Lucas is blushing," Noah laughed. I elbowed Noah, hoping he would stop but he didn't. "Aww, they're in love. Bella, look they-" 

I pushed him against the wall and clamped my hand over his mouth. "Stop talking," I laughed. He grabbed my waist, pushing me back but I stood there, keeping his mouth shut. "Stop," I whispered, looking at him wide-eyed, trying not to laugh, "Don't." 

He nodded, smiling under my palm. His grip around my waist tightened and I tried ignoring it. "Have fun you two," I grinned at Ava and Lucas. They nodded at me before stepping out when the elevator dinged open. "What is wrong with you?" I laughed, retreating my hand, and taking a step back. 

"It's fun," he shrugged, pushing himself off the wall and pulling me out to the exit. 

"It won't be when it happens to you, you know." He lifted a brow at me. "When you're with a girl and your friends tease you like that in front of her," I clarified. 

"Would you care?" 

"If your friends made fun of you in front of your girl?" He nodded. It pinched a little knowing that he was looking for a girl, that just goes to show there's no scope for me here. We're friends. That's it. "Should I?" 

"You wouldn't care if I was being teased for being with you?" he smirked. 

"Being with me?" I asked, extremely surprised. 

What the- 

"Yeah, being with you," he shrugged. 

"What makes you think we'd be together?" I questioned. 

"Just a feeling," he answered. 

"A feeling?" He nodded in response. "Why? Do you want to be with me?" I asked, smirking. 

"I'm open to it," he chuckled. 

"Really?" I asked, amused. 

"Really," he winked before pushing open the door to the ice cream parlor. "Which ice cream would you like?" he asked. 

"Um..." I looked at all the names written on the chalkboard. "Rocky road," I grinned. 

"Rocky road," he nodded. I looked around and while I was looking out the window, I saw Lucas and Ava walking around, hands held, locked actually. "I had a feeling they've been sneaking around, they've made this entire place their hideout," Noah chuckled. 

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