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Epilogue (Noah's POV)

I sat there in the waiting room of the hospital with her dad sitting to my right while my leg bounced up and down rapidly, the nerves torturing me. The door opened and one of the nurses stepped out to call in another one. I could hear her screaming in there. 

"She'll be okay, Noah. She'll be great," her dad said, patting my shoulder reassuringly. 

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face, my heart rate going through the roof. "Shouldn't I be in there?" I asked, turning to him. 

"Son, if she wants you there, she'll ask for you. Hmm? If I know my daughter, she ain't callin' you in there," he sighed, leaning back in his seat. He's so calm, it's astonishing to me. 

"Why not?" 

"Labor doesn't look too pretty for any lady, hmm? She's not gonna like her husband seein' her like that," he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes, He's probably not wrong, to be honest. That's exactly how she is. I'm not allowed in the delivery room as per her request while she delivers my baby. I think you can tell who took charge when she got pregnant. 

Her screaming stopped and I heard a faint cry from inside the room. Moments later, a nurse came out with a baby. With my baby and took it to the nursery to wrap it up and bring it back. 

I'm saying 'it' because Bella didn't tell me the fucking gender. 

After ten minutes, the doctor came out and looked at me while I shot out of my seat. 

"I told her to tell you, she was determined not to do it, she wanted to surprise you," Mrs. Mills chuckled. That's our doctor. "Congratulations, Mr. Hudson, it's a baby girl." She walked away after that and I turned to her dad, pulling him into a tight hug instinctively. 

Only her parents and I know the pains she dealt with during this pregnancy. She would always be exhausted, tired, aching, craving the most random fucking foods. The door to the room opened and she was brought out on the bed that was being wheeled to the elevator to shift her to the room.

"Hi," she grinned up at me. The bed bounced lightly on the gap in between and she winced, "Ow! Be gentle, weren't you in there hearing me scream in agony?" She glared at the nurse. 

"Sorry, Mrs. Hudson," she smiled.

"Where is she?" We asked at the same time. 

"She'll be brought up soon, they're just cleaning her off and wrapping her up. Congratulations," the nurse smiled. 

I was sitting on the chair beside her bed, my hand locked in hers while we spoke. "It's a girl?" I asked, still in shock. 

"Yeah," she nodded, squeezing my hand. "What do you wanna name her?" She asked. 

I opened my mouth to answer but I had absolutely no clue. "Um..." 

The door opened and a nurse walked in with her wrapped up in a blanket, fast asleep. "Hi, hun," Bella sang, carefully taking her when the nurse handed her over. "One hand under her head always, hmm? She's very little, can't hold herself up yet," the nurse instructed. 

If it was possible to ever have my heart pounding and being shit scared, it was happening right now. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Noah," Bella chuckled. 

"I um- I-" 

"Here, hold her," she smiled. 

"No, no, no, I-" She put her in my arms before I could even comprehend. I held my breath and stiffened, that's how terrified I became. 

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