36| Clash

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Chapter 36: Clash (Noah's POV)

"I'll see you..." Bella trailed off questioningly. 

"Tomorrow, I think," I nodded. 

"Tomorrow, okay," she smiled. 

"See ya," I said. 

"See ya," she replied. I tugged at her hands which I had been holding and pulled her in for a kiss. "Night," I whispered. 

"Night," she smiled. 

I left after that because I had to get home and there's a conversation waiting ahead of me that I am dreading. I got home within ten minutes because that's the distance between our houses. I locked the car behind me and then went inside where my mom was cleaning up after dinner and my dad was helping. "Hey," I said, announcing my presence. 

"Hi, honey. How was your day?" my mom asked, grinning. 

"Considering you haven't been home the entire day," my dad snickered. 

"I was with Bella," I informed them, throwing my dad a look. He's very controlling and that gets on my last nerve on a daily basis. 

"Oh, were you two out on a date?" my mom asked cheerily. 

"On a weekday?" 

"Dad, we're not in high school anymore, it's summer break, we hang out every day. Weekdays and the weekends," I said, tossing my keys on the counter. 

"Honey," my mom said, looking at me. I shrugged in response, putting my hands up in mock surrender. "Have you eaten?" she asked. 

"Um, yeah. I ate at their house," I answered. 

"Oh, who cooked?" she asked. 

"All of us. Bella, her parents, and me." Bella's family is a genuine family. I feel like, for the most part, mine is just people living together under the same roof and that doesn't make this conversation any easier. 

"I spoke to Bella and her dad today." That seemed like the right way to ease into this conversation. 

"About?" my dad asked. 

"Berkeley," I said. They both stopped moving and looked at me, giving me complete attention. Oh no. 

"Bella got in too, didn't she?" my dad asked. 

I nodded, "Yeah, but um- she-" I let out a breath, "She's not going." They both seemed confused. "She's not going," I shrugged, repeating the sentence as if it would explain itself. It should, it is pretty self-explanatory. 

"Why not?" my dad asked, folding his arms across his chest. 

"She's just not going, dad, she doesn't want to," I shrugged. 

"Well, I hope you're not thinking you can get away with doing the same. Not going to college, one like Berkeley, especially after you've gotten accepted, is a stupid decision to make, and you're not making it just because your girlfriend did." 

I looked at my mom in disbelief. 

Does she hear this? Does she hear how he's talking? 

"Dave," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Calm down." 

"Calm down? If he's about to make such a stupid suggestion, how can I stay calm?" he asked, raising his voice. 

"He hasn't even said anything yet!" my mom exclaimed. My dad sighed, both of them turning to me. 

"I'm not going either," I stated. 

"You see what he's saying?" my dad scoffed, looking at my mom. 

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