Tarkellian Flu

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Author's Note: Tarkellian Flu is an illness mentioned in Star Trek "Voyager". I do not own that idea. Nor do I own Bones or Spock as characters. Anything you don't recognize is my original idea.

DISCLAIMER: I am a lazy trekkie! Some facts I research on Memory Beta in order to be accurate. Other things, I make up and add them to the universe as I see fit. If I ever have to choose between my work being overly accurate or entertaining, I will choose entertaining every time. Please enjoy!


"Look, I'm sorry, Lieutenant. Sulu's away team just came back from their mission into Neutral Space. They're banged up pretty bad. I don't have any hypos to spare."

Bones shuffled from patient to patient, quickly ascertaining their level of pain and administering the appropriate pain-killers. The away team was finally back from their research assignment. Apparently, the planet they had deemed to be free from hostile life proved to be just the opposite. You would normally assist him when he and the medical crew were overwhelmed, but you felt so sick today, you barely made it to Sick Bay.

"The good news," he continued while wrapping a Cadet's arm, "is that I know what you've got. Tarkellian Flu. Real nasty virus. Especially for humans. But you should clear it on your own by the end of the week."

You thanked Bones for the diagnosis and returned to your quarters. You had already applied for sick leave and been approved, so there was nothing to do but wallow. You hated being out of the action. People needed help. Tasks needed to be completed. There was a whole galaxy to explore, and here you were blowing bright green snot out of your nose and trying your best not to hawk up a lung. Unbelievable.

I want my tuition back, you thought, a wry scoff escaping your lips. This was not in the brochure.

You heard your door chime mechanically, alerting you that someone was outside.


The door slid open and Commander Spock stepped through. "Greetings. I heard you were unwell."

You smoothed your hair down and sat up in your bed. "Yes, I am. Very kind of you to make a personal visit...Commander."

Spock gave you the slightest smirk. The two of you had been dating discreetly for the last 5 months. You were very professional, never giving any indication of your relationship. However, you found it funny (and sometimes exciting) to address each other formally when alone. It was one of your favorite games.

Spock walked slowly towards your bed. "Well Lieutenant, as Commander of the Enterprise, I am duty-bound to ensure the safety and health of my officers."

He stood over you, regarding you with his intense, subtly flirtatious eyes. "Additionally, as your significant other, I have become accustomed to viewing your aesthetically pleasing face at 0800 each day. I felt...wronged...when you did not take your post on the bridge and so decided to take matters into my own hands."

You laughed. "My apologies, Commander."

He leaned in close, bending down until he was only an inch from your face.

 "Your infraction is forgiven. This time." 

He places a light kiss on your forehead. When he pulls back, you can see a slight frown on his face.

"You have a fever. Roughly 38 degrees Celsius according to my estimation. This will not do. You will lie back. I will fetch a cold towelette for your forehead."

You started to protest. If Spock took care of you, his absence might be noticed and people might talk. You also weren't sure you wanted him to see you like this. Sweaty, snotty, bags under your eyes from a sleepless night of coughing fits. However, before you could finish your sentence, another one of those terrible coughing fits wracked your body. When it was over, your muscles ached and a migraine started pulsing in the back of your skull. Maybe a little TLC wouldn't be so bad.

Spock spent the rest of the evening taking care of you. He helped you change out of your uniform and into your comfy pajamas. He made you tea, soup, and a gargling solution in the replicator to help with your coughing. You watched a film together. You even cajoled Spock into putting his arm around you. As the film played, he kept asking questions, as the plot holes and unreasonable choices of the characters confused him.

"I do not understand. The woman is being chased by a serial killer. Her fight or flight response has clearly been triggered, and yet she keeps tripping on objects that do not exist. Should she not become more agile rather than less? Also, it is highly illogical that she would take a shower right after her best friend and lover were murdered."

You couldn't argue with anything he said. Instead, you nuzzled closer to him, hiding your face under a blanket when the scarier parts came on. Though he found the behavior confusing, he also seemed to enjoy it. You amused him.

When it was time for you to rest, he played a soft melody on his kaa'thyra. As your eyes began to close, he leaned down again, gently stroking your cheek.

"Good night, Lieutenant. I hope my ministrations were to your satisfaction."

"It was perfect." you said, fading out of consciousness. "I wish I could be sick everyday."

The room was dim, but you could still see the rise of his eyebrow and that small smirk of his that you loved so much.

"How illogical." 

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