Shore Leave

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You pressed the comm button outside Spock's quarters. It was the second day of shore leave and he still hadn't beamed down to the planet or given any indication that he was going to stop working. It was time to intervene. 

The door slid open and Spock stood in front of you, wearing a black tank top and sporting a 5'clock shadow. 

"Planning on joining a punk rock band, are we? Is that why haven't beamed down for shore leave?"

Spock knew this tone of yours and that it meant he had lost the argument before it had even begun. He smirked and invited you into his quarters. When you stepped inside, you noticed that there were three different PADDs on his desk. As you looked them over, you realized that Spock has spent the first 36 hours of his vacation reviewing the principles of thermodynamics. You sighed. Somehow, some way, you had to get through to him. 

Lightly hugging him, you put on your most "persuasive" voice. "Spock, you are an exceptional officer. But, this simply isn't healthy. You do realize that rest and recreation are essential if you are going to remain in command, correct?"

He folded his hands behind his back and slowly nodded. "I do. Your statement is logical."

"Excellent. Then, you'll agree to take a break. For at least an hour."

He frowned and began to protest. "Vulcans are capable--"

"Spock. Please."

He gave you a soft look and caressed your cheek with his hand. "I do not need the rest. However, if it pleases you, I will acquiesce."

You blushed. You were suddenly very aware that the two of you were alone in his quarters.

"I will clear off the table if you would like to have a seat."

You took a step forward. "I would prefer the bed."

Spock's eyes widened.  "(Y/N), I..."

You couldn't take his expression anymore and hugged him again as a giggle fit consumed you. After about 2 minutes, you caught your breath. "Relax! I wasn't suggesting that. I just want to cuddle. Your virtue is quite safe with me, fair maiden."

You snickered again, not noticing that Spock was bending down and that his hands had moved from your arms to the back of your thighs. In one smooth motion, he lifted you from the ground. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck. Suddenly, you found yourself mere inches away from his mischievous smirk.  

"My virtue?" he said, locking eyes with you. "Bold of you to assume I am still...virtuous."

For a moment, you were incapable of speech. You sputtered, trying to think of a comeback, but you had nothing. Spock silenced you with a kiss. 

"Does flustering one's significant other count as 'rest and recreation'? If so," he dropped his voice to a whisper. "I plan to utilize my shore leave to its fullest potential."

And he did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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