Away Mission

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DISCLAIMER: I am a lazy trekkie! Some facts I research on Memory Beta in order to be accurate. Other things, I make up and add them to the universe as I see fit. If I ever have to choose between my work being overly accurate or entertaining, I will choose entertaining every time. Please enjoy!


"The mission should take only a few Standard earth days.  It is a routine hyper-terraforming procedure, however it does take us perilously close to Klingon space." 

Spock was laying his uniform and several PADDs into a small tote.  He had entered your shared quarters only 30 minutes ago and informed you that he was leaving. That the mission was urgent.

"What? We just got back from the edge of the Neutral Zone. The Enterprise sustained heavy damage. Scotty's going nuts trying to patch it up. And now, Starfleet wants you to risk a skirmish with the Klingons? That's crazy." You were sitting on the bed, watching him pack his things. A slight sick feeling was growing in your stomach. 

"I have my orders. Whether they make sense or appeal to me is irrelevant."  He continued to pack.

You got up from the bed. "Well, I suppose that settles that."

You're leaning against a wall with your back to Spock, trying to hold back all the arguments against him leaving that were fighting to burst forth. After a moment, you hear him stop packing. Spock approaches and lightly tugs you towards him.  " sudden departure does not overly worry or sadden you."

A strained smile crept onto your face. You were both committed to Starfleet's ideals, its way of life. The most important and difficult part of that was putting duty above all else. Even above the person you loved. The last thing you  wanted to do was make it hard for Spock to carry out his responsibilities. 

"I'm proud, Spock. Really. I am. Just come home safe. "  Despite your efforts, two tears escaped your eyes.

Spock lifts his hands and wipes away the tear drops with a feather-light touch. 

"You must know that I will expend every iota of energy and thought in order to return. I have great reason to do so."

You nodded and embraced him, clutching him desperately to keep more tears from falling. He wrapped his arms around you. The two of you stayed that way until he was called to the transporter room. 

You gave him a light kiss. "Don't make me come get you, Commander." 

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