A Very Serious Experiment (Vulcan Daughter Short)

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T'Niri was getting better at making pancakes. She knew how to program the replicator to produce milk, eggs, flour, and sugar. She wasn't tall enough to push the buttons on her own of course and she needed help stirring everything up. Still, you smiled, and acknowledged her progress.

Your daughter cocks her head to the side. "It is only logical, Mother, that after many attempts at this one task, I should be more skillful."

Your smile widens. She was so much like Spock sometimes. Her vocabulary was extensive, especially for five year old. When Sarek and Amanda had a chance to interact with their granddaughter for the first time, they had said as much. Amanda phrased it as a compliment, calling her "a bright and darling child". Sarek referred to T'Niri's intelligence as "a natural consequence of her dual lineage", which was a high compliment from the normally stoic Vulcan.

"Your father will be home soon. Should we put these pancakes on a plate?"

"Yes. I will retrieve a plate from the cupboard."

Just as you were about to lift T'Niri so that she could reach the cabinet, Spock walked through the door. He was dressed in deep green robes embroidered with gold thread and he shouldered a small bag. You knew he preferred his Starfleet uniform, but since he was off-duty and on his home world he had accepted the logic of dressing traditionally. You, of course, were ecstatic. Spock was attractive in his uniform. In Vulcan robes, he was downright hot. Sensing your admiration through your telepathic bond, he smirks and gives you a quick wink before speaking.

"Greetings, family."

T'Niri immediately wriggled out of your arms and ran to Spock. "Father! You have arrived."

"Yes." He says, kneeling down so that they are both eye level. He gives her the Vulcan salute and she responds in kind.

"Father, I would like you to embrace me." She holds out her arms and waits.

Spock's eyebrow quirks up and his head briefly turns in what you know is deep amusement. 

"Daughter, this is the fourth time this week you have made this request upon my arrival to our home. Is there a reason you prefer to express physical affection at this time?" 

"Yes. Mother and I were discussing the concept of changing behaviors. Mother told me that a person can be influenced to perform an action if they are induced to do so over the course of several weeks. Knowing this, I decided to try to influence you to embrace me."

"So this is an experiment?" He can't help but grin ever so slightly. You sense his feelings through the bond. Amusement. Affection. Pride. Your heart swells in response. 

"Yes." replied T'Niri. "A very serious experiment. I have a chart." 

You opened up a drawer and passed a sheet of  paper to Spock. On it, there was a very simplistic T-chart. One side of the chart reads "Number of times Father has Embraced me". There were three tally marks underneath. The other side reads "Number of times Father has Not Embraced me" and that side of the chart was blank. 

Spock considers the chart. From the outside, he appears to be casually studying it, but you know that he is taking a moment to reign in his human impulse to smile or laugh or in any other way express the incredible joy he feels at seeing this, at being a father. His emotions course through you, almost as strong as your own. He looks at you, a slight gleam in his eyes. 

"Our daughter is a scientist."

"Yes." you reply. "Just like her father."

He turns his attention back to T'Niri, who responds by again holding out her arms. 

He gathers her in his arms and picks her up. 

"A very serious experiment, indeed. Come, T'Niri. Let us go find your colored styli. We need to update your data."

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