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You heard the ocean way before you saw it. 

You and Lieutenant Spock had been surveying the landscape for a small mammalian creature on the official endangered species list. It was mid-sized, mouse-like, and incredibly evasive. You had anticipated having many different kinds of  missions after graduating the Academy. Playing the worst game of hide and seek ever on an unnamed planet was not one of them.  Still, you were content because you got to spend time with Spock.

An hour of searching and you still had nothing. Spock was studying his tricorder when you first heard the crashing waves and smelled traces of sea salt in the air.  

"Do you hear that, Lieutenant?"

Spock looked at you, a muted version of exasperation on his face. "Ensign, if you would like an answer, you will have to be more specific."

"The ocean." 

He inclined his head and briefly closed his eyes, tracking the sound. 

"Yes, I do. I estimate the shore is approximately 450 meters east of our current position."

"Excellent. Thank you, sir."  You strode away.

You reached the shore quickly. It was beautiful. The sand was smooth and so bright orange that it reminded you of sherbet. Stopping a few meters before the water edge, you inclined your head, closed your eyes, and focused on the sun's warmth. You had been on a spaceship so long, you had almost forgotten what it was like to feel a sun warming your skin.  

"Curious, Ensign. How exactly do you hope to find the Nurvil with your eyes closed?" 

You snorted a quick laugh. "I was taking a tiny break to enjoy the scenery." You looked at Spock.   "Have you ever swam in an ocean before?"

"I have not. Why?"

You grinned. You  leaned down and began taking off your boots and socks. 

"Ensign, what are you--"

"We'll just wade in knee deep. 5 minutes. Just long enough to cool off. Then, we can keep looking."

You didn't wait for permission. You tip-toed into the water. It was surprisingly warm.

Spock stood there a moment, no doubt debating the logic of the situation. Eventually, his curiosity won out. He took off his boots and socks. He walked right to the line where the waves began to recede. He hesitated.   

You held out your hand to him. "It's ok. Just walk towards me."

"I do not need assistance." he snapped. 

"I'm not offering assistance. I'm offering support...sir."

He looked at you then, realizing his mistake. "Of course. My apologies."

Carefully, he waded in, making his way towards you. A large wave swelled behind you. You braced against it as it passed you, but Spock was caught unaware and was nearly pushed off his feet from the force. Before he could fall, you grabbed one of his hands with both of yours and held him steady. 

"See?" you said. "Support."  

A faint green blush came across the Vulcan's face. Wow, you thought. He's cute when he's embarrassed. 

Spock's eyes widened slightly as he stared at you. You realized two things in that moment:

1) Vulcans were touch-telepaths.

2) You had basically just informed your superior officer that you thought he was cute. 

You let go of his hand as if it were on fire. "I'm...Sir, I am so...uhm...so sorry. I--"

"I was not offended, Ensign."

"You weren't?"

He stood up straight, folding his hands behind his back. "No. Not at all. I must say I find the term somewhat inaccurate. 'Cute' is a designation usually given to small children or minuscule animals. For example, puppies, kittens, or even--"


He looked at you quizzically. You nodded your head, indicating that he should look behind him. 

He turned and saw there were two of the mouse-like creatures splashing around in the water.  It took the two of you all of one minute to pick them up.

"Well, " you said, holding the hefty rodent in your arms, "Who would've guessed? They're aquatic."

"Yes." replied Spock, scratching behind the chittering creature's ears. "And cute."

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