Klingons, Captain! (Spock Rescues You)

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Blood poured down the outside of your leg where a Klingon had been able to sink a small knife into you. You were fleeing the enemy compound as fast as you could and you had the infamous Klingon cloaking device with you.  And boy, were you in trouble.

Kirk had been hesitant to send you down alone. It was usually against Federation protocol. However, you convinced him that was the reason this was going to work. A lone officer against 50 well armed Klingons? It was absurd. And apparently crazy enough to work. 

You didn't take the knife out of your leg as you streaked across the forested plain. You knew it would just make you bleed out faster. Instead, you pulled out your communicator and tried to signal the Enterprise to beam you up. For convoluted reasons you couldn't remember while trying to not die, they couldn't beam you up just any old place. You had to make it to the checkpoint. A giant tree stump in the middle of the forest. 

You kept moving. You could hear them getting closer and closer. In the next instant, phasers began to fire all around you. You moved off into a densely wooded area, realizing it was the only way you would survive. You tried the Enterprise again.

"Enterprise, can anyone hear me? Acknowledge. I need back up. I repeat, I need backup."

A heavy boot kicked the communicator out of your hands. You reeled around just quickly enough for the Klingon to gut punch you. You doubled over, but quickly brought yourself back up to scream in pain as he ripped the knife out of your leg.

"I bet you thought you could steal this too, filthy human." You tried to shoot him, but he pushed your arm out of the way and your misfired shots hit two warriors behind him. This took him by surprise long enough for you to jab two fingers into his eyes and take off running again.

He caught you quickly and threw you to the ground. You landed on your back and you heard the cloaking device shatter where it had been strapped to you. 

"No!" you shouted, turning over and trying to salvage it. But it was destroyed. There was nothing to be done. 

The warrior towering over you began to laugh. "Such a pity. Now you will die for nothing. Tell me, human! Why shouldn't I kill you?"

You heard a phaser power up behind the Klingon and a cool voice answered his question.

"I would advise against it.  That action would be your last."

You knew that voice. Spock. He promptly stunned the Klingon and then stepped over him to kneel by your side. 

"You are injured." He placed a hand on your thigh and you winced. He gave you his communicator and then picked you up bridal style. He jogged with you in his arms for several minutes until  you made it to the tree stump. When you got there, you quickly flipped open the communicator and the last thing you heard was Spock telling Chekov to pull you out. 


You woke up in the med bay a day later. Your senses came back to you slowly, and as you came to, you turned your head slightly to the side and saw Kirk, Spock, and Bones arguing. You were still waking up, but you heard snatches of the conversation. Things like "foolhardy mission", "her decision", and "I'm a doctor, not a--". 

You cleared your throat, mostly because your throat was dry, but the sound made them all turn towards you. 

"Lieutenant (Y/N)." said Spock. He immediately walked towards you. Kirk was about to follow, but Bones held him back, signaling that he should give you two some time alone. 

Spock stood by your bed. You could tell he was relieved, but pissed.

"26.4 hours."

"What?" you croaked out, your voice still returning.

"You have been unconscious for 26.4 hours."

"Aww man... I missed Taco Tuesday." 

Spock exhaled quickly, showing his irritation. "This is no laughing matter."

You sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for the cloaking device to break. Or for you to have to save me."

Spock quirked an eyebrow. He softly took hold of your hand and held it between both of his. "I am not angry because the mission was unsuccessful. I am angry because my wife has a terrible habit of putting herself in danger."

He stroked the ring on your finger. The one he had given you 3 years ago. 

"That's what you get for marrying a red shirt. Besides, you know me. I had to try." 

He was trying to remain angry with you, but you could see a smirk on his lips.

"You will not scare me this way again."

"No," you said, smiling. "I'll think of something new. Gotta keep it fresh."

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