Moments in Time: First Hug

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14 correct out of 77 questions. With the curve. You couldn't believe it. You had studied so hard. Stayed up all night cramming and worrying about this test. Having your best friend quiz you again and again. And still failed. It didn't seem fair. All that hard work for nothing. What was worse, now you had to face Spock and tell him that you had wasted his time as well. Of course he would be polite about it, but it wouldn't change the facts. 

You gathered up your books and shoved them in your bag. Grabbing the test paper, you half crinkled it up in your hands as you made your way out of the lecture hall. You were planning on disposing of the evidence and telling Spock that your test results hadn't been released yet, when you came face-to-face with him outside the classroom door. 

"Greetings, (Y/N). I have come to--"

He didn't get anymore out before your eyes started to water. You started blinking fast, compulsively swallowing, taking deep breaths, anything to stop the tears from falling. All the other students and the professor had already left the area, which was good because you loathed crying in front of other people. But as the first tear threatened to fall, you realized Spock was the absolute last person on Earth (or any other planet) that you wanted to see you like this. 

There was nowhere to hide. You had to take advantage of the only blind spot he had. You quickly closed the distance between you and Spock and wrapped your arms around him. He was significantly taller than you, which allowed you to hide your face from him by looking down at his feet. 

As soon as your arms were around him, you felt him tense up. Knowing Spock, he was probably completed dumbfounded by what you were doing. He had only been Earth for two years. And, he definitely wasn't the hugging type. 

After a beat of loaded silence, he finally chimed in. "Judging from your behavior, I would venture to guess that you did not pass your examination"

You nodded, more tears welling up. 

He inhaled to say something else, but then he exhaled, changing his mind. Slowly, as if unsure of how it should properly be done, he encircled your shoulders with one of his arms. He gave you a slight squeeze and rested his chin on top of your head. 

"Professor Grigori is known to be a rigorous instructor. However, when I was enrolled in her course, she offered retakes to students who did not pass her tests. Perhaps, after a brief meal, you might communicate with her about this provision. I am certain she will grant the request." He squeezed your shoulders once more before releasing you. 

You took a half-step back, looking up sheepishly into his eyes. "I'm sorry I wasted your time."

He quirked an eyebrow. "You did not. I used my time to help you. It was a perfectly satisfactory manner in which to pass an evening. I do not regret it.".

A tiny little smile started to grow on your face. "Thanks, Spock".

You spent the rest of the day eating pizza at the local restaurant and teaching Spock bad Earth jokes. You had fun laughing with him, but no matter how much you tried, you couldn't get the moment he returned your hug out of your mind. 

You gazed at the Vulcan and silently wondered to yourself, "Is friendship really all I want?"   

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