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"The next heist is at the ball of Sonia Nevermind!" Kyoko said.

Shuichi and his sister Kyoko finnaly know now where the thiefs next heist is. The thief always leaves a clue to where his next heist is. Every time it's different. One time he even hid it in his underwear. And no, not the one that he was wearing pervs! He just left his underwear with a card some where hidden in it.

Sonia Nevermind was hosting a ball for the engagement between her and Gundam Tanaka. And of course a lot of important and rich people will be there. But how do they get in? They're a little famous but not rich or anything. But it seems they're lucky. Because Kyoko's wife, Celestia Kirigiri, is invited.

Celestia and Sonia are nieces. So of course she's invited. And she got permission to get +2 people. And those people where of course Shuichi and Kyoko.

When it's time for the ball both Kyoko and Shuichi where dressed up for it. It would be too suspicious if they would go in normal clothes. Sonia and Gundam already know about the heist and they've placed guard's all around. But knowing the thief the chance is high that somehow he still gets inside.

Shuichi and Kyoko both are wearing a suit. Because you can't chase a thief in a dress. Only Celeste wears a dress.

At the ball they don't see the phantom thief yet. So Celeste and Kyoko danced with each other for the time being.

Shuichi didn't have anybody to dance with. He wished he had but he can't walk up to some random person and ask them to dance can he? Well he probably could but the detective is too shy to do that.

At the ball all lights go out and the spotlight goes to the middle of the dance floor. There stood Sonia and Gundam ready to dance. The musicians started playing a song that Shuichi never heard before. It's probably their own song. That's romantic.

After the dance everyone cheered for them. For the rest of the night they didn't see the phantom thief. He really didn't get in huh? Shuichi was a little disappointed at that. He didn't know why.

When everyone left Kyoko and Shuichi investigate the house to be sure that nothings been taking. And sure enough something has been stolen. And there was a hint to where the next heist would be.

Shuichi thought it was strange that the thief didn't reveal he was there. Normally he puts on a whole show and wants Shuichi to chase him. Why not now? Does it have something to do with what happend to Shuichi?

And the answere is yes. Kokichi felt guilty he didn't do anything sooner when Shuichi got raped. So he can't look his beloved in the eyes. Well, as much as he could see his eyes because that damm hat is blocking his gorgeous eyes. Kokichi got a look at it once when he ripped Shuichi's hat of his head one time.

So that's why Kokichi didn't put on a show this time. He's on the rooftop seeing everyone leave. He stole a really expensive vase. And with really expensive I mean a vase that cost millions. And those people didn't even realise that it was worth so much. It's a waste really.

Shuichi was about to leave but something told him to check the roof. Shuichi walks to the riof and on the roof he sees the thief. The thief doesn't seem to notice him. Now's his chance!

Shuichi slowly walks behind the thief ready to handcuff him. But you could hear his shoes when he walks so the thief turned around and saw Shuichi. Damm you shoes.

Kokichi wanted flee but Shuichi said: "Wait! Why didn't you put on a show tonight? Normally you always do that and insists that I chase you."
"Oh it's nothing. Just not feeling like that today."
That was a lie of course. And Shuichi saw trough it.
"Don't lie. I want the real reason."
"And what dies it concern you? Are you enjoying this perhaps?~"
"N-no of course not!"
"Then it doesn't concern you."

The thief tried to get away but Shuichi chased after him. When they where in the ballroom they where the only ones there. Shuichi suddenly remembered that he still needs to give the thief his reward.

"Hey wait a minute! I still need to give you your reward for saving me!"
The thief stopped and turned around. He didn't get why Shuichi would reward him. When he helped the damage was already done. But the thief was curious about what it was. He knew what he asked for but there was no way that Shuichi would do that.

Shuichi walked up to the thief and the thief walked backwards.
"I'm not going to remove your mask. I just want to give you something for saving me. If it wasn't for you that girl would've killed me and wouldn't be in jail right now."
"Pinky promise? You know that if you break a pinky promise I can snap your pinky right?"
"That's how they work!? But yeah I pinky promise."
A thief and a detective made a pinky promise. That's new.

"I only need to lift your mask a little. But I won't see your face."
"... alright."
Kokichi decided to trust Shuichi on this one.

Shuichi lifted Kokichi's mask a little and gave a small kiss on the cheek. Then he placed his mask back down. If you could see Kokichi's face you saw he was as red as a tomato. The detective actually did kiss him! It was on the cheeks but it still counts!

"I let you off this time. But this is the only time I will ever do that!"
Shuichi walked out of the ballroom and he was blushing madly. Did he just really kiss the phantom thief on the cheek? Yes you did Shuichi. This is what we want to see. Or read in this case.

Both the boys didn't notice someone was watching them. Kyoko saw the whole thing. Now you would think she would be mad at Shuichi, but she isn't.

Back home Kyoko told Celeste what she saw. Both where laughing.
"It seems like history repeats itself doesn't it?" Celeste said.
"It sure does. It runs in the family." Kyoko said.

The Phantom Thief of Danganronpa - Oumasai/SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now