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Shhhh, the two boys are still asleep so be quiet everyone.

Kyoko and Celeste had decided to visit Shuichi today. Kyoko has a spare key to his apartment so she can just walk in. She already texsted that she was going to come, but didn't get a reply. back. She tought that maybe Shuichi forgot to reply.

The two girls walked into the apartment, and were greeted with complete silence. Maybe he wasn't home? Kyoko checked in the kitchen while Celeste looked in the bedroom. When she opened the door she saw Shuichi still asleep with the phantom thief. Celeste stared in awe as she looked at the two sleeping boys. She whisper shouted at Kyoko that she needed to come over. Kyoko also stares in awe when she saw the boys. "We can come back later." Celeste whispered to Kyoko. The two left soon after.

They got inside the car.
Celeste: "How long do you think it will take for them to get together?"
Kyoko: "Is that a bet?"
Celeste: "Yes. I bet on soon after the baby is born."
Kyoko: "I bet around 2 years later. Shuichi is very oblivious when it comes to these kind of things. What is it that you want to bet on?"
Celeste: "What about the loser takes the winner to dinner~."
Kyoko: "Sounds lovely~. I wonder where you will be taking me~."
Celeste: "Oh~? Confident now are we~."
Kyoko kissed Celeste on the lips, Celeste kissing back. Soon they broke the kiss and drove back home.

Shuichi was the first one to wake up. He looked at the sleeping thief in his arms. He could see the thief's chest rising and falling, it looked so peacefull. The thief still had his face snuggled in Shuichi's chest. Shuichi still had his arms wrapped around the little leader. And to be honest, Shuichi didn't want to let go of him.

Shuichi waited until the thief would wake up. When he started to wake up, Shuichi pretended to be asleep so he doesn't have to explain why he didn't get up.

Kokichi tought that Shuichi was asleep for real, and put a string if hair in front of Shuichi's face behind his ear. Kokichi looked at the 'sleeping' Shuichi for a little while. Kokichi then moved his face closer to Shuichi's and planted a kiss on his forehead. Kokichi then stood up, picked up his old clothes and changed in the room. After that he left trough the window again. The whole time Shuichi was pretending to be asleep.

Shuichi was also bright red by this point. He's sure that you can make breakfast on his face, that's how hot it feels. Shuichi also gets out of bed and looks around the room. The thief had taken the blueberry plushie with him. On the grape plushie he left a note.

Hey there Saihara-chan~

I'm sorry but I needed to leave ): you'know, thief stuff to do( ̄ε ̄)
Anywho, I'II let you know when the next heist is so you can try to catch me again!
Much love your beloved thief.

Shuichi smiled at the childish emotions that the thief had drawn. He thought that they were rather cute.

Shuichi checked his phone for any new messages. He got one from Kyoko.


Hey Shuichi, me and Celeste are coming over today if you don't mind.

Kyoko! I'm so sorry I was still asleep!

Maybe you should take a break from work. It will be good for you.

I can't, I need to solve this case.

Suit yourself. But I'II let you know, I will not let you overwork yourself.

Thanks Kyoko.

At the base of DICE Kokichi just arrived home. The first person he saw was thankfully Anchihiro.

Kokichi: "Hey there Anchi, what'cha doing?"
Anchihiro: "Nothing much. Oh? Did you get that from the detective?"
Anchihiro pointed at he plushie.
Kokichi: "Jup! His name is Shumai 2.0!"
Anchihiro: "Isn't that racist against blueberries!? That's the same as a black person who's name is white!"
Kokichi: "Le gasp! I'm so sorry Shumai 2.0 I didn't realise! Please forgive me!"
Shumai 2.0: "....."
Kokichi: "Anchi he doesn't forgive me what do I do!?"
Anchihiro: "I don't know!? Sing it a song!"
Kokichi: "I can't sing! What do I sing!?"
Anchihiro: "Sing anyway!"
Kokichi: "Get low, get low get low get low get low!"
Anchihiro: "Trough the window!"

Xiong: "Um sissy, should we do something about this?"
Yangde: "Just slowly back away sissy."
The twins, who saw the whole thing, slowly backed away from the two people screaming and singing to a plushie.


"Should we pin it on the DICE group? It wouldn't be strange for a phantom thief to murder somebody."
"Thats a good idea you got there.The only thing is we don't know when it where their next heist is. After that stunt last year no one in the DICE group is going to tell us anything anymore."
"But a certain detective prob only would if we could get close to him..."
"That doesn't seem like a good idea. The thief is also befriend with him in civilian form. If he sees us, we're done for."
"Then maybe... we can use the detective or that girl as a weakness."
"That girl? Are you talking about Pupeteer?"
"No, i'm talking about that traitor that we poisoned last year. You'know, the one that fell ill because of us. She's too weak to fight back so we can use her as bait."
"That's a possibility. We should keep that one in mind. Any other idea's?"
"I know you said that the detective isn't the way to get information, but we can maybe still use him."
"I like were this is going."
"We can make the detective think the thief did the murder for real, can you already imagine much heartbroken his face would look like!?"
"I can! So much despair! I wonder if we can even turn DICE against him!"
"Oh i'm sure that we can! We should wait for a time after a fight or something, and that out of rage the thief killed someone! The rest of DICE wil probablybelieve it!"
"Just you wait phantom thief! Our revenge will be sweet!"

The Phantom Thief of Danganronpa - Oumasai/SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now