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"Where the hell did she hide it!?" Kokichi screams in frustration.

Shuichi and Kokichi have been searching for the key for the handcuffs for a really long time now. It's almost morning! And they still have no idea where the key is!

They've already gone to Anchihiro asking for a hint, but she didn't give them one at first. After a really long time begging on their knees she gave them a hint. She said that they shouldn't search that hard, and just look in the most simple places. So they did, but still couldn't find it! They literally searched everywhere!

The boys sit at the very bottom of the ship, where The storage room is. There are windows so you can see under the sea. If you look outside you see fish and turtles swimming around. They even saw an octopus and some dolphins. Kokichi is counting clownfish and Shuichi still tries to pull the handcuffs off.

Kokichi: "Shuichi, give up. It's not coming off that way. We already tried, it's not working."
Shuichi: " But if we can't find the key and Pupeteer won't tell us where it is, what other choice do we have?"
Kokichi: "You can come count the clownfish with me."
Shuichi: " No."
Kokichi: "Awww why not? It's so fun! But that's a lie, you get bored of it pretty easily."
Kokichi sights and lays his head in Shuichi's shoulder.
Shuichi: "W-what are y-you doing?"
Kokichi: "I'm tired."
Shuichi: "Do you need to lay your head on my shoulder?"
Kokichi: "Yep."
Shuichi: "Fine then."

Shuichi just sits there with the thief's head on his shoulder. Eventually Shuichi hears that the thief's breathing is becoming slower. Shuichi looks at the thief, Kokichi fell asleep on his shoulder. Shuichi could only blush at this. Shouldn't the thief be scared to do this? He knows he can unmask him anytime, right? Yes, yes he does know. And he doesn't care. Kokichi trusts Shuichi enough to know that he would play fair, and not unmask him like this. And if he did get unmasked, he's glad it's by his beloved hands.

It disn't take long for Shuichi's tiredness to take him over and Shuichi fell asleep, his head on top of the thief's.

The two where woken up by a loud song coming from the room they where in. They both looked at where the sound was coming from.

Man: "Stupid phantom thief ruining my plans for yesterday night..."

A strange man said that. Both Shuichi and Kokichi couldn't recognise him. The man was old and bald. He should be around 50 years old.

Man: "I guess I can do it now, there no one here anyways."

The man didn't know that Shuichi and Kokichi saw the whole thing

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The man didn't know that Shuichi and Kokichi saw the whole thing. And what they saw next was this:

The man opend a crate that was before him. In the crate where hundred of gemestones. He probably wanted to steal that.

Man: "That phantom thief is dumber then I thought. He want after something else than these babies! I'm sure that this is the most expensive thing on the boat!"

Kokichi: "Tch, amateur. That painting is way more valuable then those gems."
Shuichi: "Did you know those where on this ship?"
Kokichi: "I knew, I just didn't want them. The painting is worth more. And i got you to chase me~."
Shuichi: "You got me chasing you either way..."
Kokichi: "I know, I just didn't want to go downstairs to steal something."
Shuichi: "So there was another reasoning behind it."

Shuichi looked back at the man. We was busy putting the gemestones in a bag. Shuichi couldn't let this happen! Shuichi stood up and shouted at the man.

Shuichi: "Freeze! You can't do that!"
Man: "A shit it's that stupid detective... wait is that the phantom thief?"
Kokichi: "The one and only!"
Man: "Looks like you got caught, loser."
Kokichi: "Oh? Why are you calling me a loser? You're the one who's caught right now!"
It's just now that the man realised what kind of situation he was in, and he started to run with the bag of gems in his hands.

Shuichi and Kokichi ran after him. Kokichi doesn't really have a choice sinds he's stuck with Shuichi. And Shuichi wasn't planning on letting that guy get away with it.

Soon the two boys where surrounded by buff men. They all looked ready to kill the two.

Man: "Let's just forget thsi ever happend, and I will consider letting you go."
Kokichi: "Nishishi! Sorry but no! I got my own plans with my beloved!"
Shuichi: "Wha-"
Kokichi: "He wants to catch you so that's what we'II do."
Kokichi pressed a button on his outfit.

A few minutes passed and nothing happend. The men stared to laugh at the thief of his meaningless attempt. But Kokichi had a smirk on his face the whole time. When they saw this hun laughter awkwardly died down and they looked more scared then anything.

Out if nowhere one of the guys got swiped of his feet and thrown towards a few other men. Then they saw Xiong in her DICE uniform.

In comparison you wouldn't think that Xiong was stronger then those men, and she isn't. She's just smarter thananhey are and knows better fighting techniques then them.

After a few minutes all the men where knocked out on the ground. Shuichi stood ther amount agape. Kokichi closed it with his hand.

Xiong: "Before I go, I will tell you where the key is. Pupeteer said that otherwise you would never find it."
Shuichi: "Please, where is it!"
Xiong: "Shuichi, check your front pockets."

Shuichi checked it and indeed, in his left front pocket was the key. He slaps himself on the head because of how stupid it was. Anchihiro said they should look in the most simple places, and they didn't check their pockets. How did she even put it in there?

Shuichi removed the handcuffs and both his and the thief's wrists are red. Shuichi turned his head towards Xiong but she was already gone.

Kokichi: "Guess this is it for this time. See you next time detective. Oh! And I give you this!"
Kokichi gave Shuichi a plushie of a purple grape with a face on it. It also has little arms and legs.
Kokichi: "Say hello to phantom 2.0, impressive right?"
Shuichi: "Sure..."
Kokichi: "I need to go now detective. I look forward to our next meeting!"
And with that Kokichi disappeared.

Shuichi: "Do you know what his deal is?"
Phantom 2.0: "....."
Shuichi: "Why am I talking to a plushie?"
Phantom 2.0: "....."
Shuichi: "You're right, i'm probably going insane."

The Phantom Thief of Danganronpa - Oumasai/SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now