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Shuichi fell of his work chair first thing in the morning. Shuichi you need to borrow some luck of our Lord and savior Nagito Komeada.

Shuichi then noticed the fluffy blanket around him. He didn't have this when he fel asleep. A co-worker probably gave it to him when he was sleeping. But something about the blanket was familiar. He smelled the blanket. The smell was familiar. It smelled like... the phantom thief.

You pervs, he didn't smell the phantom thief or something. The thief just has a strong lavender scent around him. It was one of the first things Shuichi noticed. His sister didn't notice at first, but after a couple of times she smelled it too. At first they thought they could use this to track the thief down. But suprise suprise, it didn't work.

But why did the thief give him his blanket? He does know that thief could help track him down right? Or maybe that's what the thief wants.

Nevertheless he needed to give the blanket as evidence. But why didn't he want to? That's strange. Shuichi had the feeling like if he handed the blanked over he would feel guilty. Maybe it's because the thief took the time to sneak in and put it on Shuichi. And then he gave it away. Somehow Shuichi feels like the blanket is a gift. So Shuichi ignores his mind that's says to hand in the blanket. And listens to his heart that says to keep the blanket.

It's a fluffy blue blanket with purple bunnies printed on it. Shuichi put the blanket in his bag and goes home. He's death tired and his uncle gave him permission to have a day off. He normally doesn't ask for a day off and even when he's sick he's working from home. So it was a suprise but his uncle didn't mind. Shuichi himself doesn't know why he did it. Something inside told him to ask a day off. But he still doesn't know why.

Shuichi goes to the supermarket. He wants to make pancakes for tonight. Or well, burned pancakes. Saying that Shuichi can't cook is an understatement. Normally he goes to a restaurant or his sister gave him cooking lessons. But she's busy now and he doesn't feel like going to a restaurant.

In the supermarket he sees someone. Could it be? No way!
"Hey Kokichi!" Shuichi said. Kokichi is an old classmate of Shuichi. But he looks totally different now!

This is how he looked back in school

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This is how he looked back in school. The guy really got a change (except his height). But so did Shuichi.

This was Shuichi back in school

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This was Shuichi back in school. Different right?

"Oh! Hey Shuichi." Kokichi said. Shuichi was kinda shocked to hear him speak. All throughout school he never spoke a word and would be annoyed if you spoke to loud. If he needed to speak to answere a question he would use sign language or write it down. We all thought he was mute or deaf at first but the teacher said that they just didn't like peopel and didn't like to speak. Shuichi tried to befriend him many times but he didn't seen inresested. This was literally the first time ever he heard him talk.

It's also the first time that Shuichi could see his eyes properly. One eye was always covers and the other one he hid by looking down and not looking someone in the eye. But now that he could see them, they where purple and had a child like spark in them.

"Wow. You certainly changed. I can see your face properly." Shuichi said.
"You changed too. But you're still wearing that old thing?" Kokichi pointed at my hat.
"Oh, yeah I do. I still don't like to look people in the eye."
"You should take that hat off. You look better without it."
"Says the guy who hid his face and didn't talk for all of his school life."
"I had my reasons."
"So do I."
It was silent between us. Until I got a text message. It's from my best friend Kaede.


Hey Shuichi! I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party this Saturday. I want to hold a reunion party for our old classmates.

That's sound fun. I'II be there. I just runned into Kokichi at the supermarket. Should I ask him if he wants to come?

Please do! Text me when his answere please and if he says yes give him my address.

I turned to look at Kokichi who was watching me the whole time.
"Sorry for that. You remember Kaede from school?"
"Yeah I remember piano freak."
"Please don't call her that. She just texted me to ask me for a reunion party for our classmates. She wants to know if you can come."
"Sure, I'II be there. When and where?"
I give him Kaede's address. And the date.
"Thanks. I'II be there. Bye."
"Bye Kokichi."
It felt good to talk to an old classmate again. And Saturday will hopefully everyone be there.


Kokichi wants to come.

That's great! I honestly didn't expect it.

Me neither. He changed drastically. He speaks and doesn't hide his face. I could get a good look at him.

I'II be looking forward to talk to him. Everyone comes! I have asked everybody. Kokichi was the last one. He was the only one nobody could reach. Nodoby ever had his phone number or knew what he did after school. So it's fate that you saw him there!

It wasn't fate Kaede.

Oh really~ i remeber you saying back in school that you two belong together~

No I didn't! I never said that!

Yes you did. You had a huge crush on him in school. Who knows maybe you two become a couple!

Doubt that. I'm over him and he never liked me in the first place.

Are you sure about that~

Alright enough. see you Saturday.

I closed my phone and put it back in pocket. It is true I had a crush on him in school. So what? I really am over him. And i'm glad that I could at least talk to him. That only is an achievement.

I really look forward to Saturday. I'm excited to see everyone again.

The Phantom Thief of Danganronpa - Oumasai/SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now