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"Really!? Congratulations!"

Shuichi was really happy. He just heard from his sister that he is going to be an uncle! Kyoko stopped with the investigation to go to the sperm donor so she and Celeste could have a child. Kyoko is the one who's pregnant. Celeste isn't able to get pregnant because when she was younger they needed to remove her uterus. There where some problems with it.

Kyoko was at her brothers house drinking some coffee. Shuichi seems really excited. She can't blame him though, she's also very excited. And before you ask, Kyoko and Celeste are both 33. So they are old enough. 8 years difference between Shuichi and her. It's that much because Kyoko wasen't exactly planned. Nether is Shuichi. But at the time they where thinking about having another one and then a little accident happend. And that's when Shuichi came! So he was more planned than Kyoko.

"Thank you Shuichi. But I got to say that morning is a pain now."
Kyoko said.
Dammit morning sickness. You're ruining it a little.
Kyoko: "So, any thought about where the next heist could be?"
Shuichi: "I already figured it out. It's at the dance school of Hiyoko Saionji. The biggest one from the whole world."
Hiyoko Saionji is a famous dancer over the whole world. She has a dance school for traditional dancing. Saionji Dance School is the biggest dance school in the whole world. Shuichi expected that sooner or later the thief would strike there.

But the school also has some dark history. One girl who was on that school was bullied because she wasen't as agile as the others on that school. She also had glasses and wasen't wearing contact lenses like the rest of them because she wasen't comfortable wearing them. She was different then the rest of the people on that school. She was being herself unlike the rest of them. And that's what got her targeted. How agile she was was something she was insecure about so they bullied her with that. The teachers tried to help the girl, but it didn't work. Eventually while they where practising she pulled a gun out of her backpack and shot herself in front of everyone with a note in her hand that was written in her blood. The note said: 'are you happy now?' After that the school got known as the suicide school because more and more students and even people who weren't students came to the school to commit suicide. Luckily it died down the past couple years but there are still people who come to that school just to commit suicide. Because people came up with a story that if you commit suicide there that you will be dancing forever with the rest of the people who ended it in that school.

Shuichi didn't exactly look foreword to going to a school with such dark history. But he has to.

"Shuichi, what's that on your neck?"
Kyoko pointed at a spot on his neck.
"Oh, ehhhh."
Shuichi couldn't answere. Kokichi left a few marks when they where playing 7 Minutes in heaven at Kaede's party. He forgot to cover them up. Even though before I began to write this chapter I warned him to cover them up because Kyoko was coming over.
Kyoko: "Shuichi where did you get those marks."

Kyoko decided to leave it alone

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Kyoko decided to leave it alone. But if the person who did that was hurting him, she will make sure to shut them up for good before they can say oh Shi-
Oh yeah, i'm the author. I technically hurt him by writing this story. Dammit Kyoko stop hitting me with a cup of noodles!

Kyoko left after a while of talking to Shuichi and beating the author. It was almost time for the next heist. And Shuichi, maybe it's smart to cover up those marks.

Shuichi arrived at the dance school for the first time. When he warned Hiyoko he told her one the phone because he wanted to stay away as long as possible from the school.

In the school some students looked weird at him. But he hid himself under his hat. There weren't many male students at the school. Most where female. Whatbwss he glad Tenko wasen't anywhere near. He would be death meat if she saw that he was even near one of the girls. And he bumbs into them regularly if people wouldn't move or walk on the opposite direction of him.

Eventually he came at Hiyoko's office. In her office she has a very expansion bracelet. It's a bracelet she got from a dear friend of her who's a famous photographer. Shuichi expect that Kokichi is going to steal her bracelet next. Because they are friendship bracelets. Only these ones cost a couple of thousand dollars.

The bracelet was nowhere to be found. Was it to late? From behind he heard a voice and some banging on a door.
"Can somebody help me? I don't know how to tie my kimono!"
It was Hiyoko's voice. Shuichi opend the door and saw the girl. She was holding her clothes and she turns around her back towards Shuichi.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Tie my kimono!"
Shuichi quickly ties her kimono and she turns around.
"the bracelet is safe. I have it right here with me."
Hiyoko is wearing the bracelet. That way it has to be safe. There is no way the thief could steal it if she's wearing it right?

The thief sneaked into the school. They just left a window open! And there is nothing like a security or something. This would be a piece of cake for the thief. The thief expected that Hiyoko would wear the bracelet so he made some preparations. He goes in without a mask and without Shuichi seeing him. Under his phantom thief outfit he has the schools boy's outfit. So he could blend in with the others.

He changed in the classroom where is sneaked in and blends in perfectly with the rest of the students. He easily gets to Hiyoko's office. In her office sat Hiyoko alone. Shuichi was walking around tonsee if he could spot the thief since he would try to blend in. Shuichi expected that the thief would do that.

Back in Hiyoko office Kokichi had successfully stolen the bracelet. He had put her to sleep with sleeping gas. She would wake up after an hour.

Shuichi walks back to Hiyoko's office and sees the thief with a sleeping Hiyoko.
"What have you done!?"
"Relax shumai, I only put her to sleep! She will wake up after an hour."
"How do I know you're not lying."
"I hate liars! Besides, I don't like violence. I'm a pacifist. I thought you would know by now Saihara-chan."

Shuichi tries to grab Kokichi but he doged. He always does! They chase goes to the rooftop again. but at the rooftop the thief stopped and motioned for Shuichi to be quiet. Shuichi stopped and looked at What the thief was looking at. At the rooftop stood a boy in the schools uniform with his shoes of. The boy was about to jump and before Shuichi could do something the thief grabbed the boy and pulled him back up. Now Shuichi could see the boy was wearing make-up and he had mascara dripping down from his eyes signing he had been crying.
Thief: "Don't do it."
Boy: "Why not? I'm disgusting! I'm a boy who likes to wear make-up! Who likes that!?"
Thief: "Over there emo detective wears eyeliner."
Shuichi: "H-hey!"
Thief: "It's not wrong to wear make-up even if your a boy. If you like to do that you do that. The others go with the bullies because they are afraid of being bullied themself. You have to courage to be who you are. So don't give up okay?"
The thief jumped of the roof himself and when Shuichi looked he was gone.

The boy does look like he feels better. Shuichi wonders why the thief helped the boy. Maybe there is someone more behind that mask than just the phantom thief.

The Phantom Thief of Danganronpa - Oumasai/SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now