Chapter I (Your POV)

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       "Kate!" You run-walk to her, your purse slapping your side as you do so. You smile, wrapping your best friend since college in a hug.
       "Y/n!" She responds, matching your enthusiasm. You hadn't seen her in so long!
       "So, how are you?" You inquire.
       "I'm okay," she responds.
       "No men I should know about?" You press, winking at her. She laughs.
       "No, not recently."
       "So, where is this pizza restaurant you raved about?" you ask, changing the subject as the two of you walk through a small area of DC.
       "Right there." You turn into an in closed indoor corridor and on your left is Wiseguy Pizza. You snag one of the tables in the hallway and notice groups with Subway, pizza, and other restaurants' food.
       The two of you order your drinks and a small pizza to share, and chatt while waiting on the food. There was a lot to talk about—it had been a year or two since you had seen each other. Still, you called every other day at the least, maintaining a long-distance friendship successfully.
       While eating, Kate's phone interrupts you. "Sorry," she apologizes as she checks it. "I need to get this."
       "It's all good!" You reply. You can't help but hear the conversation.
       "Abby!" Kate says into the phone. Pause "Yeah I'm at lunch with a friend, why? Okay, I'll be there as soon as I'm done. I'm at Wiseguy Pizza, why? Please no, don't tell them. I can catch up, I promise!" She sighs. "Okay."
       "Hey, what happened?" You ask, concerned. Your friend looks rather downcast.
       "Just work. Apparently they need me right now, even though I was allowed the afternoon off." Kate smiles apologetically, "and so we'll have to cut lunch short. But what's even worse is that some of my coworkers are picking me up, not letting me drive back."
        You can tell that Kate doesn't really think it was a terrible arrangement—she is just joking about it being worse than her driving there. "Aww man. It's fine, I know that life can be hectic, I'm just sad that it'll end so soon." You reply. Kate winks at you.
       "I guess we'll just have to make the most of the time we have."
       You finish eating and are still talking when Kate suddenly stops mid-sentence, looking up behind you. You tense up, but tell yourself, it's probably just one of Kate's coworkers. Turning, you see the man behind you.
An avid daydreamer, you like to "name" people mentally. This one looked like a Michael, with his short, chestnut-brown hair standing up and slicked back a little. He is taller than you, of about medium height and build, somewhat tan but still rather white. All of this, you take in in a moment.
He flashes you a very white smile. "Hi. I'm Tony, you must be Kate's friend."
"I'm y/n," you introduce yourself, extending your hand. Instead of shaking it like a normal person, Tony leans down and kisses it. You stay calm and just wrest it from his grasp instead of going full-on jujitsu. Turning to Kate, you mouth, is he always like this? She nods in response, holding in a laugh.
"Well, Kate and I must get going, but it was lovely to meet you, y/n," Tony excuses the two of them, with a wink. As they walk off, you see Kate punch Tony in the shoulder and ask, "what was that all about?"

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