Chapter III (Your POV)

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Five months later
       "Shut up, Tony!" You laugh, punching him a little harder in the arm than you meant to. The two of you were at your house, curled up with pizza, popcorn, and a can of soda for you and beer for him. The tv was black as the two of you bantered back and forth.
"Hey, what was that for?" He whined. You pulled the offending arm close, kissing where a bruise was beginning to form.
"All better?"
"Much." He grinned, leaning down to kiss you. You returned it, then pulled away, swatting his arm.
       "Oh, come on, y/n," Tony complained. Your eyes twinkled.
       "That was for saying I don't cook well!" You slap him again. "And this was for saying I'm messy."
       Your boyfriend gestures at your living room, where you had papers and miscellaneous items—even a couple items of clothing—cluttering up the place. You sigh, agreeing. "I may be a slob, Anthony DiNozzo, but unlike you, I'm no pig."
      "Hey!" Tony jokingly protests. "I just like pizza!"
       "Ya think?" You ask sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
       "So..." Tony begins, changing the subject, "what were you thinking about for the movie?"
       "Uh, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, duh."
       He groans. "Not again! We've seen that, what, fifteen times in the past three months?"
       "A. Stop being so dramatic, Tony. B. You know you're over exaggerating. C. It's my favorite movie—how many times have we watched Diehard?"
      Tony sighs, knowing you're right. "What about we watch something we haven't seen before?"
      "Ooh!" You cry, popping another piece of popcorn into your mouth. "What about Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation? We've seen Ghost Protocol, might as well."
       Tony agrees, and you put it on. As the two of you eat the pizza, intent on the movie, you are interrupted by the sharp ringing of Tony's phone. He checks it, and stands. You pause the movie, looking up at him in confusion. "It's the boss man," he explains, moving to the hallway of your apartment.
       When he comes back in, rubbing his neck, you realize that he has to leave. "What happened?" You ask.
       "It's an emergency," Tony explains, leaving at that. Such a lame-ass solution doesn't satisfy you.
       "What kind of emergency does an accounting firm have, not to mention at this time of night?" You ask incredulously.
       "That's what I'm going to find out," he replies steadily. You sigh, knowing that he's not going to tell you anymore. There's something he isn't telling you, and you're determined to find out what it is.

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