Chapter X: Your POV

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We walk in, her still going on, when she stops abruptly mid-sentence.
Gibbs waits patiently before pressing. "Yeah, Abby?"
She turns slowly, almost robotically and looks at us with wide eyes. "The evidence," she chokes out. "It's- it's gone!"


You stand in the elevator with the rest of your team in the NCIS building. Your discovery led to further investigation, which then shed light onto the finding that there was a mole—and it seemed to be from NCIS.

So, you are here, as it seems about half of the FBI is as well. You and your team are assigned to the MCRT, as dozens of other teams are to respective NCIS teams and areas.

The elevator opens, and you follow your superior out only to stop in shock as you see him sitting at a desk.

"Tony," you say in shock, and everyone turns to look at you.


"Wait—you know him?"

"Yes. And," you crane your neck, looking around, "I know another agent on the team, one Kate Todd."

Tony still isn't over your presence being there. "Y/n?" He repeats, still dumbfounded.

"May I speak to him in private, sir?" You ask your boss, Agent Fornell.

"Sure, but we're talking in a second, Agent Y/l/n," he allows.

"Yes sir." You walk with Tony over by a column, Sarah sending you a sympathetic glance.

"You're in the FBI," Tony says, voice and eyes hard. His accusing tone causes a rise out of you.

"You're not exactly a pillar of truth either, Agent DiNozzo," you shoot back. You sigh, running a hand through your hair.

Your boyfriend is silent a moment. "Sorry," he says finally, "it was just a shock seeing you here."

"Yeah," you agree, "Kate's going to be shocked."

"I have to ask, why did you lie?"

You rub your neck nervously. "I was undercover when we saw each other, and she asked me to run and get coffee with her, so I agreed, and when she asked I couldn't say anything because I was being watched, and so I had to go with my cover—and seeing as how I thought she was a civilian, Agent Fornell told me I had made the right choice and to just keep going with that, so as not to draw her into the line of fire."

Tony nodded. "Makes sense."

You both stand there a moment, silent, before you ask, "What about you?"

"Me? Oh, I just had to go with Kate's story, figured there was a reason and I didn't want you to get mad at her—and eventually me."

You nod as your boyfriend brings you in for a hug, staying like that until you realize you have to get back. Tony seems to have the same epiphany and you walk back together, professional.

Fornell pulls you aside. "Can you stay on this case, or do I have to temporarily reassign you?" He asks.

You nod stoically. "I won't let my personal life get in the way of me doing my job," you assure him. Fornell eyes you a second before nodding, stepping back and allowing you to follow Tony and rejoin the group.

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