Chapter X: Your POV (TEASER)

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We walk in, her still going on, when she stops abruptly mid-sentence.
Gibbs waits patiently before pressing. "Yeah, Abby?"
She turns slowly, almost robotically and looks at us with wide eyes. "The evidence," she chokes out. "It's- it's gone!"


You stand in the elevator with the rest of your team in the NCIS building. Your discovery led to further investigation, which then shed light onto the finding that there was a mole—and it seemed to be from NCIS.

So, you are here, as it seems about half of the FBI is as well. You and your team are assigned to the MCRT, as dozens of other teams are to respective NCIS teams and areas.

The elevator opens, and you follow your superior out only to stop in shock as you see him sitting at a desk.

"Tony," you say in shock, and everyone turns to look at you.


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