Chapter IX: Tony's POV

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A/n: sorry about all the Tony POVs, but I need to get this part (the case) almost finished so that I can have the point where you enter it!
Also, I know that Tony doesn't go to Autopsy with Gibbs, but I needed him to in order to explain the death 😂 sorry lol

"But yeah, he never mentioned them earlier—I'd bet you ten dollars that they weren't there and he's calling them right now to get them to play along."
"Make it 20 and you've got yourself a deal."


Kate and I get back to the NCIS building. When we enter the bullpen, I notice that Gibbs is missing.

"Where's Gibbs?" Kate asks, beating me to it as she sits at her desk.

"Just went to see Abby, probably going to head to Autopsy after," McGee answers, not taking his eyes off his computer screen.

Kate walks over to look. "What are you doing?" She asks.

I don't hear his response as I walk to the elevator, glancing back to see Kate helping him with... whatever he's doing.

I get downstairs and walk into the room, almost running into Gibbs. He turns to look at me, then back at Ducky, who had just greeted him.

"Oh, hello, Anthony," Ducky says, looking back up. "As I was about to tell Jethro here, Lieutenant Commander Randolph has an almost disturbing lack of dirt or any other natural substance on her person, which is indicative of her death not being there—she-"

"Was moved," Gibbs fills in.

Ducky looks momentarily bewildered at being interrupted, but returns to his monologue cheerily in seconds. "Quite right. I was also able to find out how she died—she was stricken in the head from behind, hence the cut," he points to an area on the pictures, "and knocked unconscious, before being smothered and suffocated—most likely by a pillow, as there were no traces of plastic or anything."

"Thanks, Duck." With that, Gibbs leaves, and I turn and follow him out.

We get back to the bullpen as Kate hangs up. She finishes writing stuff down on a pad before looking up. "That was Staff Sergeant Mitchell. I already talked to Major Branson. The stories match up, but are all incredibly vague, except for the Major giving me a detail that didn't quite match up to the other accounts. He spoke of it as a semi-clearing, when it was obviously very wooded."

"Good work. McGee?"

"Yeah, boss, the husband has an iron-clad alibi. Oh, and I found probable cause for Captain Gray."

Gibbs perks up, standing. "For a warrant?"

"For him to be brought in for interrogation." As McGeek speaks, Gibbs walks over and looks at his computer screen. A small smirk—grin, even—spreads across the boss's face as he pats McNerd's shoulder.

"Good work, McGee."

*le time skip my dudes, brought to you by Tony wearing tube socks (comment if you get the reference, you're a legend 😉)*

I stand in viewing, watching as Gibbs interrogates the Marine captain. Yes, we have enough to bring him in for interrogation, but we don't have enough evidence to hold up in court, much less a motive—so we need a confession, as well as aforementioned motive.

All is going seemingly well, Gibbs seems close to cracking him, when a certain forensic scientist interrupts.

She knocks on the door and Gibbs opens it, and we hear her say, "I know you're in the middle of an interrogation, and I'm sorry Gibbs, but this is really important."

I walk out, Kate staying in viewing to watch the perp and McGee still in the bullpen. I see Abby jumping up and down, excited.

"What is it, Abs?" By this point, Gibbs has closed the door behind him.

The goth's eyes twinkle as she splays her hands. "I got enough evidence to put him away."

Gibbs perks up, following Abby as she explains it to us on our way to her lab. We walk in, her still going on, when she stops abruptly mid-sentence.

Gibbs waits patiently before pressing. "Yeah, Abby?"

She turns slowly, almost robotically and looks at us with wide eyes. "The evidence," she chokes out. "It's- it's gone!"

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