Chapter XII: Tony's POV - 2 Jan 2021

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I sit in a small room with Kate, McGee, Abby, Ducky, Jimmy, and a couple other NCIS agents from the floor, with a few FBI agents as acting guards. We aren't handcuffed or anything, but our position is very clear.

No one is allowed to speak as we wait, with Kate, then McGeek, then Abby, and then Jimmy being taken away, to who knows where, until I'm called and led away. Ducky waves at me as I leave, ever chipper and calm.

It turns out that I go to interrogation. I sit with an Agent Sarah Allen, who is there to interrogate me.

She stares at me, but I level my gaze at her in return, unfazed. I've been around long enough to know the tricks of the trade, and I'm not falling for this one.

Instead, I stare back, unblinking. She doesn't blink either. Guess it's a staring contest. She might not know that it is but I'm going to fucking beat her at it. As

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