Chapter VIII: Tonys POV

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"Boss?" I call. He comes to stand by me, as do McGee and Kate.
He reads what I found. "They knew each other," he says slowly.
"Not just that." I point to other pieces of evidence, everything falling into place. "They were having an affair."


"Okay, although that's a solid relationship, and he obviously had the means, we still don't have motive nor do we have evidence for the crime. Right now, all cards are on the table for a suspect, he's just... higher up on the persons-of-interest list. McGee, keep looking for other leads. Kate, DiNozzo, go back and interview Captain Gray again. I also want every file he has ever held, every witness as to his whereabouts last night, everything you can get on him. Got it?"

"On it, Gibbs," Kate answers before I could. I glare at her, but grin when Gibbs tosses me the keys. She glares instead but follows me to the elevator.

We get to the house the Captain is renting, off-base. I look at Kate, silently asking her who should knock, and she does so.

"Captain Gray? NCIS, we just want to ask you a few more questions," I call. Footsteps sound and a lock is released as the door opens slightly.

We show our badges and he widens the door, going into the living room.

We follow, and he gestures for us to sit, doing so himself.

"What can I do for you?"

"We just wanted to ask you a few more questions; we didn't get that many in yesterday."

"Sure, although I'll have to leave pretty soon."

"Great." Kate takes charge, causing me to roll my eyes. "So, first, did you know the victim."

"No ma'am." Gray's eyes stare straight ahead as he says that, not looking at either of us. His ramrod posture is only interrupted with his left pinky finger, which taps nervously and almost imperceptibly on his pant leg, where his hands rest. "I first saw her when I found her body there."

"Oh? And how did you find her? I know you've already told us, but I'd like to hear it from you," Kate says, punctuating the remark with herself leaning forward.

The Captain's pinky grew even more restless. "Like I say, ma'am, I was out for a run with my friends. We do it every Thursday, and we start at 0500. So today, we're running when I have to take a break, to... you know..." his voice trails off, clearly uncomfortable with saying this in front of a 'lady' such as Miss Todd.

"Yeah, yeah, we know. Continue, Captain," Kate prompts.

"Yeah. So, anyways, me and my friends, we're in the woods and I pause to do my thing, going a little ways away, and that's how I find her. I yell for my friends to come, and they do, and so we turn around and hightail it back to the base."

"Thank you, Captain. I believe that's all, just one more question?"

"Yes ma'am." Gray is visibly relieved that the encounter is almost over.

"Who are these friends? It's procedure to corroborate stories with witnesses, you're not in trouble," Kate assures him.

"Of course, ma'am. Major William Branson and Staff Sergeant Pierce Mitchell were the ones who came and saw the body, although the group was bigger."

"Thank you. We'll be out of your hair now."

As I drive away, I speak up. "He's lying."

Kate snorts. "Well, yeah, we know that. He said he didn't know the victim."

"Not just about that." At my words, Kate shifts to look at me quizzically. "And although I know you'd love to stare, we should probably focus on discussing the case," I tease. She punches me lightly. "But yeah, he never mentioned them earlier—I'd bet you ten dollars that they weren't there and he's calling them right now to get them to play along."

"Make it 20 and you've got yourself a deal."

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