Chapter V: Tony's POV

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"Hey babe?" (Y/n)'s voice rings out of the telephone. "What's up?"

"Hey, I was just calling because I need to reschedule," I reply.

(Y/n) sighs. I'm disappointed about it too. After all, theses past couple of weeks we haven't seen each other in anything more than passing. Both of us have had to reschedule the dates we've managed to plan, and now I feel guilty about having to do it yet again.

"I understand. I'll just cancel, and we can figure out another time later?"

"Yeah." I hang up and rub my forehead.

"(Y/n)?" Kate asks from her desk across the bullpen, looking up momentarily from her papers.


She grimaces sympathetically.

"But you know what makes it worse?" I ask.


"That I can't even tell her what I really do." My tone is bitingly accusing.

She looks up with a glare. "I'm sorry," Kate responds coldly, "but I was undercover when I saw her and Gibbs wasn't answering, so I decided to play it safe."

"Kate, that was so long ago."

"Yeah, but I just," she sighs guiltily, "I just cant bring myself to tell her that I lied."

"Well, you're welcome that I've covered for you. She'd probably understand with you if you said so earlier, but you've kept it going. And dragged me into it, too."

"Really? I mean, you could've told her."

I slam my hand on the desk, causing her to jump slightly. "I'm sorry that I actually care about not telling people things for my friend. I was trying to be considerate."

"Enough." Gibbs slaps my head as he walks into the bullpen, sending a glare to Kate as well. McGee, who is right behind him, snickers—earning a glare from both me and Kate.

"Shutting up, boss," I reply quickly.

"Now, any word on the BOLO?" Gibbs asks, turning our attention back to the case.

"No, but they have found the car. It's abandoned in a parking garage, northeast sector of DC."

"Gear up."

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