Chapter IV - Your POV

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EmPrentissHotch  ;)

"Hey, (y/n)!" Tony calls, walking into your house. He moves to the kitchen to put the pizza he ordered on the counter as he speaks.

"Hey baby!" You yell back from the living room. He walks in and places a peck on your head. "How was work?"

"It was fine."

"Do anything exciting?"

He smirks. "I'm an accountant, (y/n), what do you think?"

You tap your chin, pretending to think hard about it. "I dunno, did you beat up bad guys or something?"

His nervous laugh doesn't escape you as he sits beside you, pulling you into his arms. You play it off, though, faking a gasp. "I knew it!" You exclaim. "You're a superhero."

"Like Adam West!" At your confused glance, he adds, "Batman?"

"I... kind of meant... the avengers or something, but whatever floats your boat."

He slaps you gently in mock horror. "You mean, you've never seen the 1966 "Batman"? I don't know if we can keep dating, (y/n), that's a bit of a deal breaker."

You sniff haughtily as you stand and move to the kitchen, pushing of your boyfriend's arms as he tries to hold you back. "Oh yeah? Well maybe you can sleep on the couch if you're going to say that Batman is better than Tony Stark," you counter.

"Of course he isn't," Tony calls back competitively, "his name is Tony! He's by default amazing. Now, Captain America versus Superman? That's a different matter entirely."

You gasp loudly and run back into the room, slapping Tony with a dish towel to punctuate each word. "You. Take. That. Back. Anthony. DiNozzo!"

He smirks as you continue to pummel him gently with your fists, and slowly collapse on top of him in a fit of giggles. He runs his hand through your hair, his plan having worked. You cuddle closer and he plants a kiss on your head—the pizza can wait.

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