Chapter VII: Tony's POV

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A/n: Pausing my avengers books to finish this one up!
On another note, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone who celebrates it!


"Dead Naval Officer in Norfolk! Grab your gear!" Gibbs calls, walking into the bullpen.

I sling my bag over my shoulder, running to catch up. "On your six, boss!"

McGee and Kate are right behind me as we crowd into the elevator, giving Gibbs a berth so none of us spill his coffee.

We get to the Norfolk Naval Station, where we find the body.

"Lt. Commander Alice Randolph, 34, married with two kids. Found this morning by Captain Harold Gray, a Marine stationed here, on a run. He immediately cut the run short to report the body, getting back at approximately 0740, as the run was apparently rather long. Her husband, Senior Chief Petty Officer Stephen Randolph, said he was at home asleep, as were the kids. Lt. Commander Randolph was a SWO, or Surface Warfare Officer. Senior Chief Petty Officer Randolph is a submarine ET, which in such an uptight place as here, means Electronics Technician, not Extra Terrestrial," I tell Gibbs, adding my signature original commentary. "Man, my 'blame the wife' theory won't work this time. 'Blame the mistress'? Did he have a mistress?"

A sharp knock to the back of my head cuts me off. "Shutting up, boss."

"Good. DiNozzo, interview the husband and the Marine that found her. Kate-"

"Coworkers? Already on it," Kate interrupts.

"Good. You can go ahead and go if you're finished bagging and tagging, Kate. DiNozzo, once you finish your pictures, you can help McGee with fingerprints. Got a time of death, Duck?"

"Well, Jethro, this is quite an interesting case. You see, although it would appear she died of asphyxiation, there is no bruising where that would be the cause nor otherwise tell-tale signs of strangulation. The only other thing I can think of is poison, but she seems to be missing the symptoms for that as well. You know, this reminds me of this one time in Glasgow, we were-"

"Time of death, Ducky?"

"Oh, yes! Quite right. Uhm, it would seem to be around 2200 last night."

"Great, thanks."

"Just doing my job, Jethro. Uh, Mr. Palmer! What do you think you are doing with that gurney? Turn it around!"

Gibbs chuckles as he turns to me. "You done?" He asks.

"Just finishing up," I reply, standing as I finish going over the surface.

"Good. I don't trust that Marine—verify his story. Oh, and get a schedule of his wife's movements last night from the husband, will ya?"

"Got it, Gibbs." I salute him, walking away.

Eventually, we get back to the office. I'm sifting through files, trying to figure out what the hell happened last night, when I notice some inconsistencies in scheduling—about twice a week, more on some weeks and less on others, Captain Gray and the Lt. Commander check out at the exact same time.

"Boss?" I call. He comes to stand by me, as do McGee and Kate.

He reads what I found. "They knew each other," he says slowly.

"Not just that." I point to other pieces of evidence, everything falling into place. "They were having an affair."

Dun dum DUUUUN

Any idea where this is going? On second thought, you probably don't have enough info yet.

Sorry the chapter is so short! I'll try and get the next one out soon ;)

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