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𝔗𝔥𝔢 big day had finally come and classes had been dismissed, so that everyone could get ready for the Yule Ball in the evening

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 big day had finally come and classes had been dismissed, so that everyone could get ready for the Yule Ball in the evening. Professors, except for Snape, were making a big fuss about it. But Elyse noticed the most stressed out was Cho. Elyse understand why, after all she was going with a champion, so all the attention would be on her partner.

"I don't want to go." Elyse whines, as Luna pulls out the dress from the closet. The blonde gives her a look, as she puts the dress on the bed. "Can't I just stay here? With you?"

"No. You're going to go. I mean, look at this dress. You'll make everyone drool." Luna says as she can't help but feel mesmerised by the snake. Elyse huffs as she shakes her head.

"Yet, the only one who mattered called me a disgrace and is going with Pansy. The most annoying... Ugh!" Elyse screeches, causing Luna to roll her eyes at her. Since Draco had called her a disgrace, Elyse had avoided him like the plague and had only left her room to go to classes, as well as to go eat.

"You can't let him ruin tonight. The Yule Ball is a rare event. It hasn't happened in a hundred years. You have the opportunity to go and just because of a boy, you won't? Come on, where is the Elyse that doesn't care about what people think?" Luna asks, making Elyse huff as she crosses her arms over her chest. "And anyway, if you go in that dress, you'll have him begging for you."

"You think?" Elyse asks softly, making Luna smile and nod. Elyse takes a deep breath, before silently accepting to go as she stands up and takes the dress. "Well. I guess I could go."

"Yes. Thank you. Now go get changed."  Luna giggles, making Elyse roll her eyes as she goes into her bathroom. She closes the door and hangs the dress, before getting out of her current clothes. Once done, she slips the dress on. It's tight against her body, until her hips, where it flows down to her feet.

She could feel the cold metal of the snake on her back, making her take in a deep breath. Elyse looks up in the mirror and can't help but be in awe at how beautiful the dress is. She pulls her wand out and uses a spell to curl her hair, as well to do a light make up look. Satisfied with the way she looks, she steps out of the bathroom and Luna turns around, letting out a gasp.

"Merlin's beard. Elyse, you look so beautiful." Luna gushes, causing Elyse to blush. She reaches out for the heels and slips them on. "Honestly, if he isn't begging for you by the end of the night, he's not worth it."

"Shut up." Elyse grumbles in amusement.

"Now, come on. Let's go see how Cho is doing. I think it starts in three minutes." Luna says, making Elyse's eyes widen as she starts to rush.

"Let's go then!" She exclaims as they get out of her room. She closes the door, before they walk down the stairs, where they see Cho and Cedric, who look up as they notice their arrival.

"Elyse, you look so beautiful." Cho gasps, making Elyse beam at her.

"Says you. You look gorgeous. You really got lucky, Diggory." Elyse smiles softly, making him chuckle as he looks down at Cho in admiration.

"I'm sorry about what happened with Draco." He says, as he looks back up at her and she shrugs.

"It happens. I'm better of by myself anyway." She says, making them all laugh.

"Off you guys go! It's starting anytime soon. The champion shouldn't be late!" Luna says, making them nod, before they make their way out. But before leaving, Elyse turns around and hugs Luna.

"Thanks. I'd probably have stayed in bed if it weren't for you." Elyse says, making Luna smile softly as she waves her off.

"Don't worry about it. Now go kill some snakes." Luna says jokingly, making Elyse giggle, before she leaves Ravenclaw common room and makes her way to where the Ball is taking place.

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