Chapter 6 - Tender is the Nate

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3rd Person POV

"I increase their budget so they can build magical containment cells to start capturing these creatures." Hank rants to Nate as they walk through the hallway. "Meanwhile, they're running a nine-figure deficit on a timeship."

"Okay, take a deep breath, Hank." Nate says. "If you knew what the Legends did, you'd realize they're... they're worth every single penny."

"Nathaniel, they even have someone one the ship whose identity they won't release." Hank says. "I'm giving them all this money, I deserve to know exactly who is on that ship."

"Well, that's for her protection." Nate says

Hank stops, causing Nate to stop as well

"It's a girl?" Hank asks

"Damn it." Nate mutters. "How about this?" He says, trying to cover his mistake. "I'll set up a ride-along. You can meet the gang and see where I used to live." 

"I can see where my money's going." Hank says

"Sure." Nate says

"You're right." Hank says. "Why don't we go now?"

"Now?" Nate asks. "You know, um, we should probably give 'em a chance, you know, to clean up."

"We can't warn them we're coming. That would defeat the purpose." Hank says

"Okay, um I mean, I got to hail the Waverider, and that's gonna take forever." Nate says

"Nathaniel, as your boss, I demand you take me to the Waverider." Hank says

"Gonna play the boss card again?" Nate mumbles. "Okay, then, sir Captain Heywood. Let's go see what the Legends are up to."

Nate opens a portal

"I can deal with Hank, and we still have plenty of time to get things on the ship back in order." Ava says as her and Sara walk through the hallway

"What are they..." Sara says, stopping and seeing Nate and Hank walk through a portal to the waverider. "I should probably--"

"Go!" Ava tells her. "Go. Go."

Sara runs towards the portal

And she runs straight into a man with a package

The portal closes

"Damn it!" Sara exclaims. She looks at the person she knocked over. "Sorry."

Sara runs away

She gets to an elevator

"Red alert, Nate is on the ship." Sara says through the comms

...on the waverider...

Brooklyn and Zari are in the kitchen. Maddie lays against Brooklyn's chest asleep as the two girls eat and chat

They are stopped when they hear Sara's voice

"And he brought his dad for what's got to be a surprise inspection." Sara says

Brooklyn's eyes widen and her and Zari share a look

"We are so not ready for guests." Zari tells Sara

"Nate's here?" Ray's voice comes over the comms. "I could really use a hug and get his advice on Nora."

"Did you forget who else is on the ship?" Sara says. "Charlie. You can't let him see her until we have time to explain why there's an Amaya look-alike on board."

Brooklyn Archer //Book Four// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now