Chapter 20 - Terms of Service

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3rd Person POV

"Violent people are pouring into our country illegal immigrants, terrorists, meta-humans." Ray-Neron announces on the TV as the crew watches. "Politicians promise to keep you safe but they've been hiding the truth. There's a dangerous new threat already within our borders. Hi, I'm Ray Palmer. Yes, that Ray Palmer former CEO of Palmer Tech. And I am here to warn you that creatures once thought only in legends and fairy tales are real." An Ogre in the background slams a chair across the room. "Yes, folks, monsters are real, and they walk amongst us. And they will stop at nothing until they destroy humankind. Interested in learning more? Then join me at PalmerX 2019, where the power is in the Palmer of your hands."

The TV shuts off

"I don't care if Neron's wearing my best friend's face." Nate says. "I want to punch him."

"Get in line." Mick grumbles

"Ogres are big softies that one wouldn't even hurt a fly." Charlie says, referencing the Ogre that appeared on the announcement

"Neron's been a step ahead of us for too long." Sara says. "We need to play offense."

"Agreed." Ava says

"Sorry, what are we agreeing to?" Zari asks, walking into the parlor where the rest of the crew is. Maddie, resting on Brooklyn's hip, puts her arms out towards Zari in a grabby motion 

"Look, it's time for us to fight back." Sara says as Brooklyn passes Maddie to Zari. "We're retaking the Bureau. Gideon, pull up the blueprints at the Bureau and start fabricating an arsenal." She orders as the crew goes over to the console

"Right away, Captain." Gideon says

"Look, Gary has bonded with the Fairy Godmother, and while he might be an idiot, she is not to be underestimated." Sara says. "Mick, Nate, you think you can handle Tabitha?"

"Granny's dead." Mick says

"Good. Ava and I will handle Neron." Sara says

"Yeah, I want a crack at him." Ava says. "It's my bureau he's running his operation from."

"Not to be a buzzkill, but even John and Nora couldn't out-magic Neron." Zari tells them

"I just felt a kick!" Nate announces, excited and holding the golden egg

"Oh, I want to feel!" Charlie exclaims, touching the egg. "Right now the smart play would be just to bide our time. Wait for John-o to return with Ray's soul."

"Shockingly, I agree with Charlie." Zari says, touching the golden egg. "I love you, little Wicksty." Maddie whines in Zari's arms. "Aww poor baby, I love you too." Zari says, kissing Maddie's head

"Oh, I felt it!" Charlie exclaims

"I told you, it's kicking." Nate says

"Okay, can you guys stop being dragon-baby crazy right now?" Sara says. "Look, this commercial is proof that Neron is up to something big, and we need to stop him before it's too late."

"Captain, I have an incoming communication from Nora Darhk." Gideon says

"Put her on." Sara orders

"Sara?" Nora's voice sounds through the comms and a thud is heard in the background

"Talk to me." Sara tells her. "What's your status?"

"I'm tired of skulking around air ducts." Nora says. "I'm going after Mona."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're gearing up for an assault." Ava tells her. "Hold your position."

Yelling is heard in the background

Brooklyn Archer //Book Four// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now